Oh, something funny happen in school yesterday. ONE of my subject teacher bought a new pair of shoes and HE/SHE wore it yesterday. For me, I think that the shoes really don't match HIM/HER. And the FUNNY news starts to spread. One of my classmates said, `eh teacher, you buy new shoes arrhx? Not bad arrhx…` I tell you, the teacher must be very angry. Hahas.
Yesterday night, Jun Hao and Ni Kang called me. We conference call. We were talking about school thing. AND because they never come to school yesterday, I update them about life in school yesterday, things happened, tell them about the Bowling Competition and Cross Country Event. And we talked about our result. Hahas. AND, they asked me of what's yesterday 'Sexuality Education Talk' about. We chatted for a while and we hang the phone already. I couldn’t sleep so I watch TV prog’. Watch till 4am. Then I pack my stuff, lie on my bed, and force myself to sleep. I managed to sleep at 5plus. And, this morning, I wake up at 11plus, as I’m still tired, I went back to sleep. I sleep till 1plus, wake up, and went back to sleep. I’m super tired, I don’t know why. Someone called me at 1plus, I don’t know who is it. Is a private number. And also got a missed call from Terence. Got a msg from Terence and Zhe Wei. And, my phone is ringing non-stop. I’m so irritated!! I managed to wake up at 3plus. Hahas. Seems like it is going to rain already. Hahas.