Then we went into my room and crap. Crap all the rubbish! LOL. Then Ben and the rest called my phone to conference call. Hahas. YR was talking to them in my room using my phone. Then I went to call Jia Wen and talk using my house phone. Hahas. JW and Me were gossiping. Hahas. Then suppose to go eat Beancurd with Ben and the rest but PK don’t wanna go there. It’s too far for him so we went to somewhere near PK’s house. Hahas. We went at about 10,pm. JW came over to my house with her bike and gives me a ride. Hahas. Thank you so much! So cool! Have our supper there. Went with PK, YR, Kevin, JW, Ben and Ben’s friend. Hahas. Some didn’t eat. Hahas. Again we were talking all the nonsense.
Then we went to a place where I never been before. Hahas. Is an up hill where by I never been before. Hahas. So tiring! Hahas. Went up there and chitchat. Then went to under block to chat and have all the fun. YR went off first then the rest of us went off at about 2. Hahas. We walked home. Hahas. Somebody called me and asked me where am I when I’m still on my way home. Thanks for your concern. Hahas. I reach home at 2plus. Hahas. So tired. Went to wash up and talked on the phone with YR for a while and I went to sleep.
People who were with me yesterday you all should know. Hahas.
Don’t worry, thanks for concerning.
Sleep at 4plus last night and I wake up at 11plus this morning.