We played for 3hours plus only cause I only like playing with Serena. The rest of them are so called: boring people. Then, I suggest we go to someone house to play majong or cards. So, I asked PK and Kevin along. Then PK okay with it but Kevin is not free. But, the problem comes. We don’t know who house to go and we cannot decide want to go whose house. While discussing, PK msg me and ask me then I kept on asking him to wait as we can’t decide. Sorry Pock Kai. They wanted to come my house initially but my room got no air-con. Then we suggest going to JH house but cannot. Then we suggest going to YR house, she called her mum and her mum say cannot. It the end, we came out with an answer. Finally!! So, I tell PK about it. YR went home first to take majong because Serena house got no majong. LOL. Then it’s time to go but, NK and JH don’t want to go and they are busy playing game. We go first. 3 of us took a cab down to Serena house. Hahas. We meet PK at the bus stop and we went up together. JH and NK came later. Firstly, we played majong. Then, we palyed majong with money and also some card game. Plan to go for dinner at 9 in the end we play till 9plus and we went off at 10 if not, we really don’t have to eat our dinner already. JH went off early then followed by YR. The rest of us went to Old Sembawang Road to have our dinner.
Hahas. Eat till about 11 and we went off. Hahas. Serena walked home, NK accompany us to wait for bus and he walked home. I alight earlier then PK. Hahas. I reach home at about 11.20. Thanks Serena for concerning. Wanted to sleep and I find myself too sticking and I can’t stand it so I went to bath. After I bath, I was like so energetic. LOL. Plus my hair is not yet dry so, cannot go to bed. Then I got an msg from some friend. Hahas. Next, I was lying at my bed forcing myself to sleep then; my sister came in to my room to talk to me. So, I talk to her lorrx. Talk for a while and we went to bath. I force myself to sleep and finally I sleep. Wake up at 6 as Serena and me are meeting at 6.30 for breakfast. First thing I do when I wake up is call Serena as she asked me to morning call her. LOL. Went for breakfast and we went to school already. First period, we continue to our MTV thing. So great. Then my mum came to school to fetch me home. Hahas. Was talking so happily in class then somebody make announcement and ask me go down.
Went back with my mum and she brought me to see doctor. Hahas. Nothing serious. People, thanks for concerning especially Serena.
I’m fine. Thank you!