Saturday, August 04, 2007


Supposed to go out with Yu Hang but I didn’t go. Was busy.
Suppose to go for SYFC concert but I couldn’t make it on time. Wanted to go for FOP but also didn’t go. Sorry to those who had asked me to go and I didn’t go.
PK meets me at 1345 as he is going out and wants to take something from me. After that we went off. I went to PS with friend. I took the train and headed to PS. Went to eat.

Then we went to walk around.
Went to Gelare Café to slack and eat.

Then we went to shop. Didn’t really shop was finding cross-stitch stuff at most of the time. Then I called my aunty and asked her if she have the cloth then I heard from my aunty that my grandparent house might have. So, we headed to my grandparent house. It’s a good thing that I go to my grandparent place cause there is always thing for me to eat. Hahas. Before I went I bought some Curry Puff for them. As I know they haven’t had their dinner. Cause my grandma didn’t cook on every Sat. Most of my family member was there. Eat lots of fruits!!

Taken at my grandparent' place.

Slack there for a while. Brother is going to MS. I wanted to go but due to some reason I didn’t go. Then we slack and chitchat with my grandma for a while and we went off. Hahas.
Something really funny happen. LOL.
After that we went to took a bus and we went to meet the rest at YP. Chatting and playing cards. JH went off first. Then a while more we also went off. Hahas. Accompanied YR for her bus and we went off. I went off with NK. Hey guys, no need to feel sorry. It’s OK.