Serena and I didn’t eat. We are not sitting together. We were sat separately. All the guys shared one table, YR, JW and JX shared one table, Serena and Me shared one table. Both of us didn’t eat and we didn’t really talks to others.
We our buy this to eat!!
Then both of us went up while others are still eating. On our way there, we saw NK and JH. They are on till way to find the rest and they asked us if we want to watch `Rush Hour 3`. Hahas. I don’t want. Serena want but…. she didn’t go with them. Hahas. We went to walk around and I was looking at thing to buy for my sis. Can’t find anything and we went down to Cold Storage. Disappointed. Serena know why.
Then NK called us and asks us where are we and we went to meet up with the rest. Then we went to Post Office, as Kevin wanted to pay for his bill. All of us went and after that we went to a nearby playground to play. LOL.
Really had a great fun there!! Lots of funny things happen. I took a lot of pic and some video.
Somebody did something to me. People who saw that you all know but Ben, don’t think of dirty thing just because you are looking from that angle. Hahas. After a while the rains come. So we went off. We went in to a supermarket and Ben started his rubbish again. Something happens and is again someone. He/she does something and I really really remember it. Ben, should know cause you walk the last. And you saw everything. Hahas. I took the same bus as Serena, PK and Ben. When I reach home I was very tired and I was not feeling well at then. Thanks people for concerning.
Went to meet Serena and I bring Poker Cards along as we are also waiting for NK. We only play for a while and we went off as Ben are meeting us at my house here but I think is very troublesome so I told him that we meet him at his house downstairs’. And we walk to MRT station together as we are meeting PK and Agnes Lin there. Everyone was there and we waited for PK. Then he came. Wearing same shirt as me. And they started their rubbish again. We took the train and we went to Night Market. Walk a while and we went off. Took some pic.

Accompanied Serena and Agnes Lin for their bus and we walked home except for PK as he is going to different direction. Fun day but I was not feeling well I think is because of the weather.
Sleep at very early last night, as I was not feeling well. Sorry for not replying to you. Wake up this morning and I was not feeling very well don’t want to go school but I got paper today and is 3paper!! So I went. I drink a lot a lot a lot of plain water. Is like I can fall anytime.
Had this during my break time.
Thanks everyone for concerning!! Wanted to go home and rest today but they asked me to go for lunch so I went, as I wanted to buy thing. So we went and while walking there Serena said she doesn’t want to go. I don’t know what happen. Today weather is terrible. Is just like I might faint anytime. People, thanks. Thanks so much!! We went there, all of them eat except for JX and Me. I don’t feel like eating. Then after that I went to NP with YR and Ben, as I wanted to buy thing for my sis. Thanks for the company. Had great fun today but I am so sick. Take care, me.