Didn’t update for a few days.
Saturday I went to Esplanade again to watch fireworks. So sad that I forget I had a event and I didn’t went for FFW. Went with the same people. Was really a fun day. Went to have our lunch first I didn’t really eat. Then we went to City Hall to meet YR. we went to Marina Square to walk around then took this pic.

Then we went to Esplanade. But it is a lot of people there. So, we went to somewhere down the River there. We were there from I think, 5plus. We slack there, as it will be crowded later on. So, it sort of boring. But lucky enough BT asked me to bring Poker Cards. So we played, we played till about 8plus, I think, as there is no more light. So we talked. Then I started my rubbish. So funny. Hahas. Before the fireworks are put out, they talk about rubbish also. Wanted to took vid but JX is taking so I didn’t take. Take a few pic of the fireworks.
Then after that we also took pic. But I don’t think I want post. Hahas. We went to LPS but BT has to go so we all didn’t eat. YR and me went off to meet PK and Kevin. Went to have super as somewhere around PK house. They paid for the supper!! Thank you!! We went off at about 2am. PK went off first, Kevin and YR is taking the same bus and I went home alone. Hahas. That night, it was really scary. I reach home at about 3. Walked for about 1hour. Was so tired and I went to bath then sleep. : ) : )
Sunday I went to CP to meet up with Ben Chan regarding some cell stuff. Also together with Amy and Sheryl. We went to Pizza Hut. Ben treated us, I think or Amy. Thank you!! Then we went off after everything. I also saw Jamie, Moses and Zhi Liang as they are also having a meeting down there. This is the forth times whereby I went to SK/Hougang area and I didn’t bring YS’s Memory Card.
Saw YJ and JW also as they are buying lunch from Mac, I think. Ben and me accompanied Sheryl to walk around to see thing then we went off. Accompanied Sheryl for her bus then I took a bus to my grandma’s house. Thanks Ben for accompanying me. Went to my grandma’s house to crap. Went for a while only and I went off as I was meeting some friend at City Hall.
It was having a heavy rain at then and I get so drench!! Went to took train to meet the rest. On my way there I realize something as things is happen strangely. So, I asked YR and yes, I was right. Problem goes to who? I don’t want to know anymore. Cause I believe that if I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t have to feel bad, don’t have to have guilty conscience. But I am just so sad. I am not angry with her I am just disappointed. Thanks BT for the comforting.
We went to walk around and we plan we to LPS as we didn’t went on Sat so BT felt guilty and they plan to go on Sun. We walk to MS, didn’t really talk. Then Huan Kai called me. Hahas. So happy to see them they really cheer me up. Talk to them for a while and they are waiting for other. Saw HK, YJ, JW, Michelle Goh and my sister. Chat with them for a while and I went off. Wanted to watch movie as it is raining and they don’t plan to walk to LPS. But there is not much show to watch so we just walk around and we went to LPS.
Was having a great fun there. This is what we had!!
YR and JX went to order and they didn’t order mine. Hahas. Never mind, it OK. After we eat, we went off. Went to take the train back. Then I took a bus home with BT. Wanted to walk home but people asks me to take bus. I reach home at 10plus. So tired.
They paid for everything. Thanks!!
Monday I went to school with Serena. YR buys breakfast for me. Thank you!! Was really having a fun day. Took a few vid also. Went home after school, as I was really very tired. Wanted to take a nap but I still have lots of homework. Then WL asked me out to study. We went to GV’s LJS to study. So tired!! Then went to meet BT and JX for dinner. I was early. Hahas. Went to have our dinner and we went off. JX went off first then BT and me went to some shuttle to talks. Talk till 11 and we went off. He accompanied me for my bus. Thank you!!
Today again we were doing our MV. I was so tired and sick. Was really having a great fun. PK and NK sing in the Recording Studio. So fun. Then we went for other lesson. Great day!! SH kissed PK today and PK go around wanting to kiss people. Got my MT paper back today, I got 35/50. Sad. I aim for higher result but people told me not to have too much expectation. Thanks Serena for comforting but you see the result of the rest and me. Went to eat Beancurd with Serena after school today.
Then went home. Slack at home. Pack my stuff and sleep.
Didn’t go lunch with you guys cause of some reason. Sorry but thanks for understanding. I got my reason for not going.
Once again I need a shoulder.