Slack there till quite late, then I wanted to go home, as I was a little tired but before that, I need to go to toilet!! We couldn’t find any toilet nearby so we went to ONE FULLTON to search for the toilet and we managed to use the toilet, hahas. After that we walked back to Esplanade and we take 1N home. So tired but the bus is really like express bus. I board the bus at about 3.45am and I alight at 4.30am. The bus stops somewhere near my house so cool. Reach home and I didn’t really bath. Just went to bed. This morning I wake up at 3plus, so tired but no choice, have to wake up and go for LNY’s visit. Yesterday we went to out 3rd aunty’s house together with my brother girlfriend. Most of the aunties and uncles were there. We have our lunch there then slack for a while then we play card. I played for a while only then I just slack there, watch sis and them play. They play blackjack and I am not really good at that. We went off at about 6pm. went off with brother, sister and brother’s girlfriend. Brother drives me home, so cool. Reach home at 6.30. Then start to cook cum watch TV prog’ and use com. Suppose to go out with YR but we didn’t go. Mum came home then followed by sister and her’s boyfriend. Then sister suggest we play cards so we play for a while then her boyfriend went off. Mum asked us to play card, as she is boring so we play with her till 1plus.
Someone pm me but I was away, don't know if there is anything, sad that the some one has already offline. Now I am currently slacking, hungry.