Friday night I was on the phone with Eric till late night. I went to bed and I got stomachaches, I don’t know what happen. Can’t sleep well too even though I was sleepy.
Yesterday morning I wake up at 7plus. That was early!! Wake up early because of noise at home.
Yesterday morning I wake up at 7plus. That was early!! Wake up early because of noise at home.
I went back to sleep and wake up at 10plus. Talk to sis for a while and she went out and I went to do my stuff. Phone got some problem. I changed my blog’s song and added song and chat box to OA’s blog. That should be good compare to a blog without chat box and song. I went out at about 2.45, went to church for meeting. Meeting is at 4 and I reach just on time, except for BC, the rest were late. So we went up to the office and BC brief me on what to do and soon the rest came. We were doing the ticketing thing and packing, hahas. It was really fun and for the very first time I got to feel and touch 116 movie tickets together.

We finish at about 5.30 although we are supposed to do the ppt slide but ZK is good enough, he helped us to do. Thank you. So Sheryl and me went down to bay to buy some light snack to eat. And just nice, ZY and some other are at some nearby coffee shop and they helped us to buy dinner. GREAT!! Because we got no time for dinner as our next meeting is at 6 and we only got like 30minutes of slacking at bay. Is 6 so we rush up to office, we pack up and got our meeting again. And that was the time whereby ZY is back. Thanks for the dinner. But we don’t really got time to eat so I only eat a little and after the meeting, is about 7, and worship starts. Yesterday talk was great the speaker was funny. During FFW, the 'say sorry' thing come again, hahas. After church I went off with Hui Zhen and Zi Qi. I board the bus and Jia Wei alight the bus. Suppose to go for dinner cum supper with them but I didn’t go. Sorry people for not joining. I went to my aunty’s house, initially I just want to take my belonging but ended up talking to her and she cooked noodles for me to eat and I take the last bus home. Just nice when I reach the bus stop, the bus came and when I board the bus and go to the interchange to transfer another bus home, the bus came too. It’s all just so on time. I reach home at 12plus. I went to do my thing, talk to my sis and play her game as she wants the battery to flat, I played for only awhile and I went to bed, as I am tired. Sleep at 2plus.
We finish at about 5.30 although we are supposed to do the ppt slide but ZK is good enough, he helped us to do. Thank you. So Sheryl and me went down to bay to buy some light snack to eat. And just nice, ZY and some other are at some nearby coffee shop and they helped us to buy dinner. GREAT!! Because we got no time for dinner as our next meeting is at 6 and we only got like 30minutes of slacking at bay. Is 6 so we rush up to office, we pack up and got our meeting again. And that was the time whereby ZY is back. Thanks for the dinner. But we don’t really got time to eat so I only eat a little and after the meeting, is about 7, and worship starts. Yesterday talk was great the speaker was funny. During FFW, the 'say sorry' thing come again, hahas. After church I went off with Hui Zhen and Zi Qi. I board the bus and Jia Wei alight the bus. Suppose to go for dinner cum supper with them but I didn’t go. Sorry people for not joining. I went to my aunty’s house, initially I just want to take my belonging but ended up talking to her and she cooked noodles for me to eat and I take the last bus home. Just nice when I reach the bus stop, the bus came and when I board the bus and go to the interchange to transfer another bus home, the bus came too. It’s all just so on time. I reach home at 12plus. I went to do my thing, talk to my sis and play her game as she wants the battery to flat, I played for only awhile and I went to bed, as I am tired. Sleep at 2plus.
This morning, I wake up at 10 and I am really tired so I decide to sleep a little more because Saturday and Sunday is the only day that I can sleep longer as there are no school. I wake up at 11 even though I am tired I didn’t went back to bed as I know I couldn’t sleep anymore if not I will be late for the event. I do my thing and I went out at about 11plus. I took a bus down SKI, as I wanted to go to my grandparent’s house, at there, I saw Theodora!! She is going to church. I went to my grandparent’s house; no one was there just my aunty. We chat and we wanted to cook as both of us haven’t eaten and there are Kwey Tiao, so we thought of frying it. At the same time my aunty say she got no confident, so in the end we didn’t cook Kwey Tiao. She cooked noodles for me instead. After we eat we talk, talk about lots of personal thing. Then we use com, surf the net for awhile and my grandparent and uncle came home and followed by my aunty and cousin. Then I went to bath and do my thing and went out. Took a bus down to some train station and took the train to DG station. Meet up with the committee and do those registration things for the event as we were be watching the movie together. So cool!!
Took some picture before going in to watch;

After that we went to collect our popcorns and drinks and we went in to the theatre.
It was just so fun and before the movie start, there are people throwing popcorn at one another, anyway it’s our own people.
I took some pic before the movie starts and I find the ‘T’ people retarded, LOL.
I am referring to Terence and Tiffany. Oh, one is seating in front of me, and one seating behind of me. I am in the middle and its really poor thing to seat in between of them.

Took some picture before going in to watch;
After that we went to collect our popcorns and drinks and we went in to the theatre.
It was just so fun and before the movie start, there are people throwing popcorn at one another, anyway it’s our own people.
I took some pic before the movie starts and I find the ‘T’ people retarded, LOL.
I am referring to Terence and Tiffany. Oh, one is seating in front of me, and one seating behind of me. I am in the middle and its really poor thing to seat in between of them.
Starting of the movie I find it weird as I thought it was suppose to be a Chinese movie. And the show was talking English at first. I didn’t regret watching. By the way, we are watching ‘FORBIDDEN KINGDOM’. It was so touching is a little funny cum romantic. The last part was really touched. After movie, while everyone is out I took pic;
And again pic;
Then we went off as it is on our own and Ken interviewed us about the movie and we were joking at there. Was disturbing peoples and saying about Terence and me, hahas.
Hey people, lets go for ‘candle-light’ dinner together, LOL.
Supposing the guys are going for lan but I asked them not to go as tomorrow we got school and some got exam. So some are sort of psycho by me and this thing influence some of them to not go. The funny thing was, in the end nobody go. Everyone went home. I took the same train as Darrell as he is also taking the NS line. After I alight from train, I went to interchange as I wanted to take a bus home and on my way there, I saw CHERYL!! I almost couldn’t recognize her when she calls me. She changed, no longer the Cheryl I once know. And I came to know that she send her boyfriend to camp just now that was really sweet. We walked to interchange together and I accompanied her to wait for bus, after her bus come, mine came too. I reach home at about 8 and I do my thing. Was packing and arranging my stuff just now. I was chatting in MSN with ZK just now and we are chatting about some rubbish, together with Terence as he is at ZK’s house. I am happy just now because somebody chats with me whereby I didn’t expect that. Got a msg from Theophilus before and after the event saying he want to meet but I didn't agreed. Sorry, but I just don't feel like going out.
Oh, I forget to congrat my sister on something; CONGRATULATION!!