I got to go down to orchard and till now I havent go, gosh. but, Its also that I am still in the lnymood.
Alright, cant drag anymore.:):)
Hmmms, so Monday I was still slacking and keep dragging the orchard appt, LOL.
Seriously dontwant to go, cause bored&lazy, but I still needs to.
Okay, wasted the dayoff, HAHAHA. But its okay.
Went for lunch with mummy at northpoint, then we wentto walk around and off.
Wentover to sembawang, wentto find SY.
Supposed to be going to buy clothe with her but endedup didnt go.
Well, thatsall, I cant think of much.
Then I headdown to amk at night. Meetup with YH.
Tuesday is a dayoff, meetup with mydeargirl, at plazasingapura.
We went to walk around, lunch at yoshinoya.:):)
And we went to play the kiddish machine. Those catchers.
Wentoff next, wentover to thecathay.
Walk around and we chill at BEN&JERRY's!!

We are both so excited, and we are indeed having fun&enjoying.
Afterthat we left and went into cathaygallery.
And the thing inside, everything is so damn retro.
A goodday, and home afterthat.:(
Wentover to grandparent'splace for dinner.
Ya, goingover to see the relatives also.
After dinner, was slacking at there and home with mummy at night.
Wednesday was attending SY's graduation ceremony.
Happens to meetup with her at the station.
Alight at buonavista, waited for her friends and we went over to doverite.
So the graduationceremony was so damn not organized, they could have improved.
Then we had the lightsnack afterthat.
And they were having the phototaking.
Off afterthat.
I wentover to jurongpoint.
Also a longtime since I last been there. Went to shop&buy stuffs.
Dine at newyorknewyork.

Then wentoff to bottletreehouse!!
I am enjoying, I love the feeling of slacking over at those quietplace and talks.
It just makes me feel comfortable.
Thanks, mydearfriend.:)
Thursday wentout to northpoint, then headdown to grandparent'splace.
No one was there when I reached, they wentout to parkwayparade.
Was alone slacking. Surfing the net, doing things, documents.
Dinner at grandparent'splace.
Wentoff at 9pm. And happen to see JX at the busstop.:)
Nice catchup.
Take bus down to yishun and train to sembawang.
Meetup with ES, and we walk to vintage.
Ordered one bucket.
Sing very little, drink, talk.
Wentoff at 1plus. We walk all the way to yishun.
Friday I cant remember much thing. I only remember going to godmum house to put my laptop cause it was heavy and I wentover to vintage. Cause I promised the aunty, hahas. Well, so got to go.:)
Sing, chill.
Off to bukittimah for supper, I supposed then home.
Yesterday was going over to orchard.
Wentover to fareastsc. Appointment, meeting.
Tired, bored.
Meetup with KY next at Cineleisure.
He’s back from NZ!! And he got for me a keychain!! Thanks!!
Then I wentover to theheereen to chill. And off to sembawang.
Meetup with YR and we went to crabvillage for dinner.
And wentto the pub next, YH camedown too.
Was the same, drinking, talking, singing.
And today I am here.
I actually came earlier on, and we were helping with the wanton thing.:)
And I go off to the church. Latelate.
Wentoff next. Nothing much to elaborate.