Remember uncle give a ride back home at night, then wentfor dinner, and back home.
Thursday was meeting Kelvin in the late afternoon to get some stuffs from him. Wentto ehub, then down to alohaloyang.
Wentto the chalet to had alook, ya, then down to compasspoint.
And back to grandparent'splace.
Totally feeling so tired, and just fall asleep.
And I gotup at about 9pm.
Feeling really tired, wentto washup and had lightdinner.
Wellwell, friday was again documents.
Wentto beachrd, ya, lunch, then down to vc in the late afternoon, walk around, see thing.
Dine at mob and walk around to buy thing then wentback, pp, grandparent'splace. Bored, life seems so not same.
Yesterday was doing documents too. Not going to work tomorrrow.:):)
Meetup with mydear in the afternoon, down to ve, slack over there, then wentover to RWS.
Got a gift for sis, then wentto shopping, walk around and back.
Down to the pub, play game. Supper and off.
Today was headingdown to sis's chalet.
And I am now here.
Wellwell, reached at about 1530, waited for them and into the chalet.:):)
Alright ya, having a goodtime, busy helping sis.:)
Was helping her with the decor. Balloons, decor thing..
It has been a long time since I blow a balloon, hahahas.
And ya, blow, doing the decor, hanging the partything, stick the balloon on wall, and finally everything done.
Sis is just busy entertaining.
Then was busy taking photos and helping sis to keep her presents.
Food, no cake BUT cupcakes!!
Well, basically, was just feeling leg is aching, hahas.
Lots of fun, seriously, hahas.
Lots of people, currently, though alot of people has wentoff, hahas. Just imagine, its reallt lots of people attending. Oh, its 21st.

Happy birthday to sis!! Hope you like the present.:)
Will be playing mahjong later on but I also feel like sleeping.:)