Didn’t blog for a few days. Hahas. Went to my grandparent’s house on Thursday then went to have dinner with them and my mummy and uncle. Hahas. Friday in school was fun! Hahas. we were again crapping! Went home after school on Friday then take a nap and went for dinner with my aunty and cousin at Orchard. Suppose to go to Sakura but the queue was very long so, we went to Cineleisure instead and went to Suki Sushi to have our dinner.
Hahas. After that we went to Ngee Ann’s Taka to shop. Then we also went into Giordano. I brought 3tank top.
Aunty paid for me. Thank you!!
Then uncle came and fetch them and I went back on my own. Took bus back, so tired. Hahas.
Went to causeway Point on Saturday to walk around and develop photos. Then went up to the taxi stand to meet the rest for our bowling competition. I didn’t go with them by the excursion bus instead I wait for my brother to come and fetch me. Hahas. Then we headed to Singapore Sports School. Hahas. The school is damn big. So nice! My first time there. Because of that, I couldn’t make it for Benjamin’s birthday dinner. Sorry Ben. They went to Causeway Point’s Seoul Garden. Cool! I went to find them as fast as I can. But, before going to find them I had already eat as they provide buffet. Hahas. Then I went in to SG to look for them, my brother fetch me there. Thank you!! I sit down there I didn’t eat and the staff there didn’t ask me anything or whatsoever. So, I waited for them then after that we went off. They suggest coming my house. LOL. I went home and get prepare while JW went back home to get change accompanied by Serena. Then PK, JH, Benjamin and YR went to buy cake and meet up with Kevin and NK, as they didn’t went for dinner. Then they came up to my house and wanted to ‘ton night’. LOL. OK. It’s fun! Great! But, tiring!! Hahas. JH went home early as his mother called him and ask him to go back. We played Majong and Poker Cards. Hahas, I didn’t really play poker. Pock Kai and Kevin was really very bad. Hahas. Kept on disturbing me yesterday. Hey, I will remember de horrx. LOL. Then we were crapping at there also. Hahas. Mum was talking to us too. Then we proceed to the cake cutting session only at 5am. Hahas. Thanks PK and the rest for the cake, hahas. I can't figure out what flavour is that but, its really very nice!
Then Kevin, PK, JW and YR went home at 5plus, after eating the cake. NK was sleeping at my house so Benjamin accompanied him.
Serena didn’t go back as she wanted to talk to me.
Of cause we were crapping and gossiping! So bad, right?!
Then we talk till about 7am and we wake NK up and everyone went home. Then I went to sleep, of cause. I was so tired. Hahas. My bed got others 7people smell as they lie on my bed. Hahas. But never mind. They are my entire good friends. Hahas. they are the first batch of friend that I bring back home and ton. Hahas. Yesterday was really very fun!! Hahas. I really enjoy. Glad that you enjoy, Benjamin. You’re welcome!! I went to bed at 7am, after they went home. Hahas. Sleep till 5plus. Was fully awake only, at 6plus. Hahas. Then went to prepare and meet Serena for dinner. Hahas. Have our dinner at Mac. Hahas. Again, I was listening to her talking. Then we walk around and went home. Before we went home, we went to Cold Storage to buy Cereal, Bread and Milk for tomorrow breakfast. Hahas.