Hahas. Some people must be very jealous, right? LOL.
Today my class was super entertaining, noisy and happening.
Listen to their conversation make me wanna laugh. Hahas. Its full of crap and ‘dirty thing’. Went to have my lunch with Serena, JW, Kevin, PK, Benjamin, NK, JH and SH. Then we went to Beancurd City to eat Bean curd.
JH didn’t go with us, as he needs to go home. SH went off early then the rest of us sit down there and talk, hahas. YR wanted to come and meet us so we waited for her. SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY, hahas. after YR came, Serena went home first to get prepare as they wanted to go over to her house. I went home to get bath too then went to find them. The rest accompany YR to eat. Went to Serena’s house again, gambling. This time, NO MAHJONG!! LOL. All of them stay till about 7pm and they went back. I didn’t go home. I accompany her and we gossiped and crapping and having fun and being crazy!! Hahas. Her mum bought food for us to eat. Thank you!!
Then we were also watching this show call; House Of Laugh, I think. Its damn funny and both of us were laughing so loudly. Hahas. Then I went off at 9 cause its late already. Reach home and 9plus. Hahas.