Yesterday Serena woke up late, so no handmade breakfast, hahas. Again we meet up at the bus stop and we went over to a mini mart to buy Nasi Lemak. Hahas. Was again filming our MTV. FUN BUT TIRING!!
After that we went down to do the filming. I was holding the camera at then, then I realize that I can’t be camera crew as I got shaky hand and they didn’t bring the stand down. LOL. Hahas. Then we went to have our break. Ate Nasi Lemak. Then we went up for lesson. They give Benjamin Birthday bash!! Hahas. We took some video also. And, we sing birthday song!! COOL!!
They are all ready to beat Benjamin!!
Hahas. Cool, yesterday I got to watch free show. They were again talking rubbish!! Especially PK. He talk about JH and Me. LOL. He ask JH to ask Me for stead infront of them. Dots. Grow up lah, so childish. Hahas. Then we joke there, was talking to some friend about our `Lao Di Fang` thing. Hahas. Went to have my lunch with friends after school. Went to NP’s food court. On my way there I saw someone! I saw Aunty Doris. Hahas. It has been sometimes since I catch up with her. Glad to see her. Went to have my lunch after that we went to Cold Storage as YR wanted to go but she can’t find the shower foam that she wanted so then went in to Guardian but also can’t find so, we went in to Watson. Finally, she bought shower foam. Then we went in to Popular, as Kevin wanted to go and buy some stuff. Next we went in to Mini Toons. I didn’t buy anything If not some people will say me. LOL. Then we went in to John Little, as I wanted to buy something. And we also went in to some other shop then we went to interchange to take bus except for SH. I was taking the same bus as PK, JH and Benjamin. But, we were all silent mood. Hahas. Didn’t really talk to each another. We were all stoning. PK was alone not talking, I was listening to song then JH and Benjamin was talking, I think as they are sitting behind me I’m not very sure if they talk. PK alights first then follows by JH and Me then Benjamin. I reach home at about 4.10. Was so tired at then so, I went to take a nap. Wanted to wake up at 5 but because of my laziness’, I sleep till 8plus and nobody disturb me. Wake up and I’m so boring then I went back to sleep. Didn’t leave my bed at all! Hahas. Sleep till 2am. My sister came into my room, on the light and I wake up. So angry!! Then I tried to sleep back and I force myself to sleep. Wake up at 5plus this morning. So too early at then so I lie at my bed. Went to bath at 6.10. Then get prepare. Meet Serena at the same place and went in to school together. Meet up with the rest and of course we started our gossiping. I found that we couldn’t stop gossiping for one day. Opps. It’s not gossiping, maybe I should say what we are saying is FACT! Went for Ms Tay lesson today, she was in the mood of joking with us. Good! Thanks Jia Wen for the breakfast!! During our break time there was almost a conflict between some friends. I hate conflict, quarrelling and argument. Was a bit scared at that moment. Some wanted to go down while some don’t want. So I accompany the one that wanted to go down, as he/she was alone. Talking to her and eating with her. She was so angry just now and she is telling this and that but it seem like she is scolding me but I know it NOT!! Hope she is better.
Went to the hall for PG period. So frustrate today at the hall!! Teacher (don’t mention teacher name) group us into (avg) 10per group and my group is totally suck! I bet nobody like his or her grouping. So, what’s the point if you get into a group whereby you don’t like at all? You will definitely have no mood at all, I tell you. Everyone got no mood. Everybody wanted to change grouping, want to foam group by ourselves. We get angry and frustrate and the same goes to the teacher. I wanted to change to Serena’ group. Jia Wen help me to ask teacher and she shout at us. And everyone get so angry. Everyone got totally no mood at all. And nobody really wants to do the discussions. We just sit down there at nobody wants to do anything but giving stupid ideal. I get so angry and I say if you all don’t wan to do then don’t do lorrx. I, myself find it meaningless. If you don’t have the mood how can you do a good job? If we don’t want to do then don’t do. If we don’t feel like doing it then don’t do. Why force ourselves?! NO POINT!! I don't wanna do but because Benjamin is the Vice Captain so I just listen. But he understand. Thanks Benjamin for being understanding. I will do, don't worry.
HATE IT!! Went home and slack after that. Will be going to ECP next week to build sand castle. Don’t really feel like going. Oh ya, today the discussion is regarding going to ECP to build sand castle.