Last Saturday, I went to NP to meet up with JXiong then went to buy present for JXuan and we went to JX2‘s house to wrap and do everything. We also buy a small slice of cake for him, hahas. Then we took a bus to their house. Slack there and JXuan has his birthday party at night. I stayed till the next day. Seriously, something happen that day which make me really frustrated but I think I should control. Last Sunday I went for dinner with YR then went home. On my way home, another accident happens and again, I was frustrated. But, I just went home. Last Monday, I went to meet up with Joshua and JX at NP then we went for lunch. We went to SS, but it wasn’t much fun and not much to talks about. Joshua went off first while I went to shop for YR’s Christmas present. I also buy something for Aunty and Uncle. After I buy, I went to Aunty’s house then pass to her and I went off. Then, took a bus down to YR house as I am invited!! It’s a Christmas party!! I can say that the party was really fun!! Hahas. I drink a lot, I think. We also play game and drink!! The drink include; Absolute Vodka, Chrysanthemum Tea, Lemon Tea, Ice Cream Soda, Singha Beer, Red Wine, White Wine and some other.
Its really fun as we were all anticipates in it.
YR's cousin!!
Before we went off, we took pic also.
We went off at 11plus then we took a cab down to JX’s house then slack there, play card. I went off at very early, as I don’t want to stay. I went home to sleep. Then the next day I went to find them again. We stay there till very late. Last Wednesday, I wake up at 2plus and I get things done then went to meet up with a friend. After that I went to ZW’s house. We stay there, watch VCD, TV prog’, play maple, play dota and slack but, by right we are suppose to play mahjong. Then is also Kevin’s birthday so we bought him a cake also. Then went out of the house to play those dirty games while I stay inside, as I don’t want to dirty myself. Then I also went down to help them buy dinner cum supper. And I happen to see Sheryl!! It’s just so coincident!! And also Vincent and his’s brother. We start playing mahjong at very late and after that, we play poker cards. We play real cash!!
Kevin's birthday!!

We also have Then morning, they went down to buy breakfast. And I don’t know who pay for me anyway, thanks. Then I also play lame online game and I was so bored that I find people to play MSN game with me. I went off at about 9. Took the same bus with Ter. I reach home at 10plus then I went to sleep and I wake up at about 3. Went to get things done then I went for lunch and I went to NP to shop for Joshua’s gift exchange party and I went back home, wrap and get things done then went over to his’s house. We play some game and I went off at 4plus. Reach home, sleep and wake up at 10 as my mum came in to my room to talk to me. Then I went back to bed and I wake up at 2plus. Just so so tired.