We took a train back and we went to Mac to slack then was suppose to take picture there but we were talking and talking and we didn’t want to take picture anymore. We went off at 12.30; I took the same bus as PK. Then I got msg from JW, LOL. We were talking about his trip to Genting then soon, he alights. Anyway, the going back part is fun. I went home, get things done and I went to bed at 3plus. I regretted something that day. :( :( Wednesday 19/12, I wake up at 8plus and I was so tired. After work, we went off. I went home, wanted to sleep but phone are ringing non-stop. Then I went to meet up with YR at YS at 11. We slack there for a while then went to YP to chat. And, we even order Mac to deliver to YP. We went off at about 3. Thanks!!
Thursday I wake up at 2plus then saw some msg. Was a bit surprised. Then I went to prepare and I go out. I went to church to help up at CSI decoration. Was really fun!! The spraying part was great and the balloon part is fun too.
After that they went for dinner while I went home, as I haven’t finish writing Christmas card. So I went home then was busy writing Christmas cards and after I finish I cook porridge to eat. I went to bed at about 2. Friday 21/12 I wake up at 7plus. Then I received some msg from some friend. Was chatting in msg with my friend then I went to wash up and do everything and I went off for work. I took the lift down then I realize I forget to bring bible, so I went up again. Then went to work. Working was okay; YR was on MC. Boss buy lunch for me, LOL. I worked for half day. Then I went off. Went to Bugis to shop then went to OG then went to CH to meet up with some friend, friend that I never thought we will be going out. Went to walk around, initially we wanted to watch movie but I think it’s boring so we went to walk around and sit down and talk then we went off at night. Was suppose to go BC house to stay over but I forget to bring some stuff so I went back. Yesterday I meet up with 2people whereby I haven’t seem for a long time. Really missed them!! Aunty and Uncle!!