We got our gathering!!
Meet up at the MRT Station. I took a bus down to meet them. Everyone was there except for NK and Ben. I called Serena to ask her to go along, she insists on saying no but in the end, she went. She went with us. Before she came, they went for lunch, I went with them but I didn’t eat. Then after lunch, we were waiting for Serena so we slack at a corner, then the guys want to take photo. They really grow up but they look cute while wearing the shirts.
Well, Kevin wanted to take pic so I help them. Oh, Kevin say he won’t be capturing photos, as he wants to be in the pic.
Trying to act cute, innocent and look dramatic.
Then they took a train down to meet Daniel as he is about there so I waited for Serena alone, then we took a train down to meet them, on our way there we were gossiping and saying funny thing. Meet up with them at Cineleisure. While going over to Cineleisure, there are people giving out balloons and I take from the people that, Serena did that too. Meet up with them, we got a total of 10people. Went down to the ticket office, as they wanted to purchase movie ticket. Seriously, we really can’t have a final decision of what movie to watch. We did voting and we got 5 vs 5 on L Change the World and The EYE. Kevin wanted to watch ‘L’ so much so we also anything, BUT, too bad. The ticket is selling fast so we watch The EYE instead.
Buy popcorn before going in.

Was really very fun while we are in the theatre. I remember there are 3guys sitting in front of us, scolding some vulgarity, some ‘xxx’ words. Anyway, we are there to watch movie, lets not spoilt everyone’s mood. After movie, we went to the arcade as they wants to go so I went along, not much thing for me to do, just taking pic of them. I am the camera girl, as usual. At least I managed to be in some pic.

Buy popcorn before going in.
Was really very fun while we are in the theatre. I remember there are 3guys sitting in front of us, scolding some vulgarity, some ‘xxx’ words. Anyway, we are there to watch movie, lets not spoilt everyone’s mood. After movie, we went to the arcade as they wants to go so I went along, not much thing for me to do, just taking pic of them. I am the camera girl, as usual. At least I managed to be in some pic.
Daniel went off first as he got something on. Then we went to walk about then wanted to go to the train station to head down to Bugis but it is having a heavy rain. So Serena and I thought of going to sing. Ya, everyone agree. We went, we went to Kbox, to check the price; nobody wants to ask, Ben asks me to do the talking. Then they think it’s too expensive so we went to Party World instead, check the price, everyone thinks it is acceptable but some people just don’t want to go, again, Kevin asks us to do the voting. We went to sing.
Seriously I don’t know what time we check in, should be 5. So fun inside although I didn’t see much, just a few song, and is really a few, as I don’t have the chance to touch the mic and controller. But is okay. I am busy down there, not singing but capturing our happy moment.
Some people sit as if they are at home, see the way the sit, LOL.
We are suppose to check out at 8, and there are really more dedicated song at the list, and it is 7plus at then so they keep on skipping away those song whereby they don’t really want. Then JW say Kevin for holding on to the mic and controller and didn’t gives others a chance, Kevin dedicate a song whereby he wanted to sing but he let me have the song as JW say him. Thank you. I am kind of like that song, Chinese song, I sing together with JW!! The last song is; Right Here Waiting, everyone sing together.
They went to the washroom, JW and me were waiting for them, we take pic.

Then we went off, once again we were discussing where to go for dinner then we decide to go Bugis, NK didn’t went, he went off. We took a train down to Bugis to have dinner.
Then we went off, once again we were discussing where to go for dinner then we decide to go Bugis, NK didn’t went, he went off. We took a train down to Bugis to have dinner.
Retarded pic.
Had steamboat as our dinner. Took pic!!
Serena and me.
I must say that we really take a lot of food. We were sitting upstairs and the food was at there as well as down stairs. We are like going up and down, taking food!!
Was really having lots of fun at there. Talk about BGR and my stuff, shared with them my thing and they got a lot a lot of comment, nothing I can do but to listen. We were really making a lot of noise, noise of enjoyment. We went off at 10plus. Went to BJ to look for toilet first as the journey back will be very long. Then we went to the bus stop, took bus back. We reach interchange at 11.50, I think. JH and JW alight one stop before interchange. Then the rest alight at interchange. 6 of us, all take different buses. I reach home at about 12.15. Then went to bath as we had steamboat and there is a smell. I washed my hair 3times, hahas.
Monday I went to school for lesson, nothing much actually. Went for LLA at 2 and its suppose to end at 5 but we got early dismiss. We are given a task and as soon as we finish, we can go. Initially, I don’t know if it is homework or class work so I asked and my teacher says, its class works. I told my teacher I got no inspiration then my teacher say she will give me, hahas. We went off at about 3. I went off. My relative was at my house. Sort of, happening. I didn’t really have a chance to use com as my relative are at my house. So I didn’t send you guys those pic, must be very anxious, right? Yesterday I wake up just on time then rush out to school. I reach school just on time, when I reach; my teacher was not even there yet. We study a bit, as we will be having test. Then when for CRN lesson, was having lesson from 8-10, we had our test at 8.30 and we can leave any time when we finish. I was stressed, was stuck at a question was lying at there, WQ went off and he ask me not to stress as we got a lot of time. I went off after test then we went for lunch at cafe2. Then went to slack at the study area, I rest at there as I was tired then we went for SBM, suppose to be 2hour but we went for just ppt presentation and we can go. We went off at 12.30 and next lesson is at 2. We went to the forum to slack then went up at 1.30. Went for OSA at 2, we were having exam!! Before we went in for exam, we were told to bring a pen and tissue in. so we were stunt; bring tissue?! Teacher says incase we cry, as the paper will be difficult. After exam, we went off. Took a bus back then went to buy shoes and headed home. Do my thing and slack there then get things done and went out. Went to meet up with my friend at AMK Hub. Initially I never thought of watching movie, just thought of wanting to study as I got some practice today but my friend wanted to watch movie and my friend doesn’t know I want to study. We went to purchase movie ticket then walk around and buy some light snack and herbal tea. And we went in to the theatre, we watched: The Water Horse!! It’s touching. Then after movie we went off. Took a bus back then walk home. Reach home at about 12.25. So tired. Went to bath and wash my hair then chat on the phone. I was so tired but I can’t sleep as my hair is so wet and I am lazy to use to hair dryer. My sis cooked noodles for me, while she is still cooking; I am already very tired so I asked her can I don’t eat. I didn’t eat, in the end. I fall asleep. I remember I promise some friend to call then but I didn’t. Sorry.
Today I wake up then get things done and went to school. When I reach the bus stop, I saw PK and Ben; we took the same bus to TI then took the same bus to school. Saw Miss Leng when I board the bus. Went to school together, got a call from WC and meet her at the school bus stop. When for CRN lesson, was having test practice again. As usual, you can leave at any time you can also don’t do the test practice. We went off at about 10 even though lessons are supposed to end at 11. Then 11 to 12 is our break time. So we went to slack at outside cafe1 and have our lunch there. Once again, something happened, I can’t say much. We went for lesson at 12 and we were told that lesson is cancelled. What?! And there are no more lessons. We went to pool center, it’s fully booked and we can only play at 2, I don’t want so I went home while they went out. When I alight it was having a heavy rain I was stuck there for awhile, then I went home. Do my thing and slack there.