Thanks for being there for me when I am down. We went to some place to slack and chitchat then we take the train home. I reach home at 12plus, hahas. By the way, while we were chitchatting I got a call from someone I don't know telling me I lost my thumb drives and she is the founder of my thumb drive. I was wonder how she got my no., then she told me she open up my thumb drive and saw a contact lists. I am really lucky as I disable my thumb drive's password on Monday if not she will not be able to open. Then she arranges a time for us to meet up. Wednesday I wake up at about 6, get things done and I went out. While reaching the bus stop, I saw Raymond then followed by Benjamin then Jun Xiong, we took the same bus, reach school at 8plus. Then wait for teacher to come and I inform him I am going down as I have yet to take my attendance, while using the system to take attendance, I got a call from my thumb drive's founder so we meet up. Thanks so much!! Went up for CRN lesson, again some problem. Thanks people. Wasn't in the mood, after lesson we went to Amphitheatre, sit down there and wanted to do our work but I don't want to do, no point forcing. We just sit there then YR and me went to the library. Read books and I wants to borrow book and I can't borrow so YR helped me. WC call and say she wants to come and find us but we waited for her and she never come so we went back to Amphitheatre we went off at about 12 and we are late for lesson as lesson starts at 12 so we are a little late. SBM lesson was Mrs Sim, she say us and more and more people start to all come in late and I follow what Mrs Sim say, and helped Mrs Sim to lecture them. I didn't get scolded, Mrs Sim say, that is what she wanted to say. Hahas. After SBM, YR and me went to EP, as I want to buy shoes. On our way there, we saw PK, he bang our head together. After we buy shoes, she treat me drink, as the weather is really humid and we took a cab back to school for next lesson. Wasn't late, we were on time and teacher is a little late. Oh, by the way that is a new teacher to our class and is my first time of seeing her. Her lesson was okay, we were doing our work, teamwork.
And take some pic.
After her lesson we went off. Wednesday was my first lesson's day of school after the holidays. Went up to locker after lesson, helped them put their books and waited for them as they went to the washroom. Then we went off together, while walking out, it is raining!! And soon, the sun come while the rain is still there, is raining cum sunny. Took a bus down to TI, then separate from there. YR and me were taking the same bus, she buy me some light snack and drink. Thanks. Wasn't feeling right when I reach home, might be because of the rain. I pack my room, do my thing and I fall asleep at 6plus, sleep for about 10mins. Wake up and slack then talk to my mum and sis. Was on the phone and MSN chatting and also doing touchup on my project, as Thursday is the date line. Yesterday I wake up at 6plus, get things done and went out. Was late for school, went for OSA lesson, Mr Ng, SH is in my lesson room, chat with him regarding some community thing. Then went to my sits and my CA asks me to sign my attendance, merely forget as I didn't do that for some time. Do my work, quite bored. After I finish, I run my ppt to see and there are some problems. Problem because school com don't support my ppt version. I so upset at then, don't know what to do and got to hand in by yesterday. After OSA we went for our next lesson, OFC. A big thanks to YB and Eric for the help. OFC was just half an hour after that we went off and we got no more lessons. I went to find YB and Eric regarding my ppt thing. After everything is okay, I went off, wanted to find them but didn't. Went to cafe1 then borrow ez-link card from Mcginn and went to MLC to run my ppt to see if there is any problem, together with JH and TL and there are error, try to get it done. Then we went off after we are done. They went off while I went to find my CA to hand in my ppt project. Then meet up with YB, supposed to go make new ez-link card but all thanks to Jacky we can't go first. Got to wait for some other people. After that we take a bus down to PRI for replacement of new card then went to WS to slack, went to Coffee Club. This is what we had!!
Jacky came and find us too and we went to have our dinner. After dinner, we slack down there and chat, there are really lots of thing for us to chat and is always never ending. Eric and GW came to find us too and we went to Mac to slack then to PRTP and headed home at 11, thanks people for accompanying. When I was about to board the bus, YB tells me something, and make me so curious. And I check it out. What should I do I reach home at about 12. Do my thing, chat with my mum and sis then went to bed. Today I wake up at 7plus that was really early. Get things done and went out for school, meet up with YR and took the bus down to TI and went to school. The feeling of reaching school is really stress. Slack there then went for lesson. Today OFC lesson was okay, when I stepped in to the room, my group mate was staring at me and asking me weird question, I don't know what they are talking. They asked me if I lost anything as they know I am blur, hahas. I think no then I was wonder, why and what did I misplace again!? They ask me how I come to school and is like, really stupid question. And they tell me about my ez-link card issues and return to me. Miss Loke found it and passes it to my classmate. I am blur but always lucky.
Teacher cover nothing much. Just the important point and some class work and we are dismiss. She also give us homework and remind us about our project and I started to fear as I haven't even start. Went off after OFC. Meet up with Jacky as he wants something from me so I got to pass to him, before that I went to meet up with Kevin and the rest, discuss about going to secondary school thing. Miss Lovy also suggest that we go back to collect our award as soon as possible because the money belong to her and before she can claim back the money, we must claim it first. Was really having lots of thing today. Didn't go for the meeting, I think it is too last minute. Leave school at 3plus and I reach home at about 5. Thought of going to fishing but I am meeting up with PKFC later on. Where should I go? Suggest PKFC to go fishing? Or maybe I should just stay at home.
I have yet to do my OFC project and homework.