Friday I went out, didn't go fishing or whatsoever. Suppose PKFC plan to go sing, I am okay with anything. And we can't have any conclusion and everyone say anything and ask me to plan, I call and ask them then in total only 5people are interested I check with the five people if they still want to go because it is really a small amount of group, all of them give me a same answer. All of them said; you ask the rest. Okay, I check with them and explain to them, anyway I am not going so I leave this to YR to plan. She told me she doesn’t want to go karaoke and she wants to watch movie instead, I ask her to plan and confirm with the rest. When she gets back to me, she tells me they ask me to plan and I ask her to plan. She can't convince them with the movie thing. Since everyone is online except for YR, we invite everyone in to a chat box and chat about it, saying what's our plan and everything. Is not we doesn't want to invite YR in to our conversation is that she didn't online. Well, outing is always complicated as there will be people wanting to go different places but as long as you know how to convince them then is all right and everything will be smooth. Was in MSN and everyone agreed watching movie instead of karaoke then we were all discussing about what movie to watch and nobody want to check the time slot. Benjamin suggests going down to cinema and decide down there what show to watch. At the same time, I am also going out with another group of friend. In the end I never go out with PKFC, I cancel the outing as we can't decide. Sorry about that. I went out with the AV people. Stayed at home till 8plus then went for dinner with my mum and sis and headed to train station. Meet up with Jacky and we headed to CH station to meet the rest, and we went to SC. Accompanied YB for dinner then walk around at FOW. Then went back to SC, slack around the fountain area. At there, I knew something. I make someone really angry of me because of my crap and that person doesn’t even want to talk to me. Slack there for a while and we went to walk about. Went to get ourselves some drink and walk to Singapore Flyer. On our way there, someone don't want to talk to me, I got nothing to say and I can do anything. 

Was having a heavy rain, suddenly so we went in. Sit down there, it’s so windy. Chats down there till early morning when there is no more rain and we walked to MS, is like playing hide and seek, was somehow lost, they didn’t plan to where to go they just walk. I didn’t say much just follow. Went off at 8plus. Took a bus home. And I sleep till 4plus, wake up and slack down there. Stayed at home the whole day and I didn’t eat. Was so hungry. Yesterday I went to bed at very late as I was on the phone. This morning I wake up at 8plus as my alarm rang, didn’t really wake up. I went back to sleep and wake up at 11plus. I haven’t done my OFC ppt project I am a naughty girl.
Use com and chat with my mum just now. Hmmms. I am going out soon. Will be going to meet up with a friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUNTY JOLIN!!