Was having POA lesson, no homework; lesson was not on teaching. Was going through the previous test paper that we sat for. After going through, we went off. Went over to the 3rd level to slack and wait for time to past to go for next lesson. Went for BEO lesson, was continuing with last week but is a new chapter, and because I was not on class last week, I don’t really know what is going on. Is a budgeting, YR wasn’t in school last week so both of us don’t really know what is going on. :):)
Glad that my team members are super kind, at least they let us know what is going on. So during BEO, it was on doing the budgeting proposal and we finished. And last lesson of the day; MDP lesson. Was continuing our project and everything. Don’t want to elaborate on next. Well, I went for dinner at PP with some friend at AJISEN.
Dinner wasn't very pleasant.
After dinner, we went to walk about and went home.
Reached home at 12plus, which is like super late.
Yesterday I wake up at 10plus, went to do my thing and slack at home. Went out at about 6 for clinic appt, Dr Kelvin give me a 2days MC, I don’t need it. I got to go to school to complete my project. After the consultation, I went to meet up with Ah Ben for dinner at NP, after dinner we went to walk about and we realize that, many of the shop has stop operating due to the renovation work. I have not been there for a very long time.
Then we went off, happened to meet up with Jia Wen, she is going over to Comics Connection so we accompanied her over and went home.
Today I wake up at 6.30 and I slack at my bed till about 7 and I went to prepare. Was really tired but I got no choice but to pull myself up. I went to wash up and get things done then I went off to school. I reached school just on time and lots of people are not there yet. MDP, continued with project and my com hang, I didn’t save my work. :(:( Redo.
Have POA-SOP lesson, all the typing. My group finished!!
Well off at about 12.30, I went up to the locker with them to take book home and I went home. Didn't attend singing because MAD didn't go, as a result nobody accompany me so I didn't went. Reached home at about 2pm.
I am now watching some TV show.