Saturday I wake up at about 10am. Went to slack and I get off my bed at 12plus.
Went to wash up and use com, use for just awhile and I went to bath, pack my stuff and went out.
Went down to my grandparent’s place, slack over there till about 7.45pm and I went out. Meet up with friend and we went to Mustafa Centre, it was raining. We went there to walk about and we left at 10.30pm, didn’t realize it was already so late. We went to Kallang mac for dinner and we went to MFP-FP, enjoy the scene up there. Next we went to LNRP, slack over there. It didn’t rain but it was damn windy. We went off at like, 2.30am. Seriously I wasn’t feeling well the whole day, I went home and went to rest, no more strength. Didn’t eat for the whole day of yesterday. Isn’t it pathetic?!
I went to bed at about 3am.
Sunday I wake up at 9am but I went back to sleep. And I wake up at about 11am, wanted to get off my bed but ended up I went back to sleep as my head is really pain. Ended up, I get up at 1plus. Went to wash up, bath and do my thing, then check mail, listen to songs and chat in MSN. Went out at 4plus, went over to my grandparent’s place. Stay at there for a while and I go off at night. Went off at about 8pm, after eating something. And I go over to CV for dinner, again!! I am full. After eating, we went to CB. After that go home.
Monday I wake up at 7.30am, which means I will reach school just nice but I didn’t went to school. I was real damn sleepy. Msged a few of the girls and HL told me that she isn’t going to school too, LOL. Sister indeed. Went back to sleep and wake up at 10plus. Went to wash up and do my thing and I went out to my grandparent’s place. Slack over there and stayed for dinner then went off. Went over to CV, wanted to dine there but it seems to be like under renovation or what as there are some constructing work going on. We went to some other place instead, after dinner we wanted to go PRP and we are actually already there but the weather doesn’t seems right so we went off. Went back home. Reached home at about 11pm, do my thing and talk to my parents and talk on the phone then went to bed at about 1.30am.
Tuesday I wake up at about 6am, quickly do my thing and I went out for school. Reached school just nice, 8sharp. Have POA lesson and was going through assignment and correction. After POA we went for BEO lesson, continuing with some given assignment and going through some answer. And we went off at about 10.30am. Went up to the locker and we off.
Unexpected thing happened. :(:( Nothing I can do.
Went off, went to my aunty’s office and stay there and talk to them. Went off at about 1.45pm, went to my grandparent’s place. Do my thing and bring my cousin to tuition at 2.50pm. After bringing him go, I went back to my grandparent’s place and do my thing. Slack over there and chat in MSN with friend. Aunty came at 6plus, bringing my cousin over also. Talked to my aunty and do my thing, and I went off at about 8.10pm. Meet up with Edwin and we went over to J8, initially plan was to walk about but ended up catching a movie; 4bia. I wouldn’t rate this show very good. The story lines don’t really fit. I would say this show is scary cum horror; the sound effect is really scary.
After movie, we went to somewhere nearby for supper. After eating we went home. Reached home at 1plus, and I went to bed.
Wednesday I wake up at 8plus, get things done and I set off to school. Took the same bus down as YR. We reached the interchange very early so we went for breakfast. After that we head to school. Reach school just nice and we went for BEG lesson. BEG was talking on today’s test and some teaching. After that we went for POA lesson. POA was going through the answer on some assignment only and we are off. We went down to café1 to eat. Before going down I saw the 3 naughty boys. They look very smart in their formal wear. We went down to eat, after that MH accompanied me to meet Theo. Thank you, Theophilus. :):)
After meeting him, we went for lesson. BEO lesson, nothing much. Not doing teaching and not going through answer. Lesson ended at 3pm, so we waited for Ms Leng to come. And we got our MDP test. Photoshop. I was about to finish all and I only left with about 2steps and you know what?! My com hang, everything gone.
It’s alright for me, do everything again. Well, I got time. Anyway I prefer my 2nd piece of work. Handed in at about 4.30pm and we go off. Went to TI, walked about and buy some clothing. After buying, its 6.15pm, I went home, quickly pack my stuff and get things done then went off. Meet up with Edwin and he is late, and I am waiting down there for him. After meeting up we went to have dinner, I am hungry. Before going for dinner, we went to somewhere TM as I wanted to buy things, after buying we went over to Bedok as I wanted to go over to one of the hawker there to eat something. We managed to get our way there but we didn’t manage to eat at the stall as it has closed. We eat some other thing instead. After eating we went to ECP, slack over there and we went off at about 11.30pm, and we went home. Reached home at about 12.10. I went to do my things and decide on today’s dress code and went to bed. Set my alarm to 4.50am. Early?!
This morning my alarm rang but I continued to slack there and went to wash up at about 5.30am, do my thing and I went out. Meet up with YR at the bus stop and we headed down to TI, reach there at about 6.45am, which means it’s still very early so we went to have breakfast and went to school. Reached school at about 7.30am. Very early. Didn’t see any familiar faces. We waited outside BEG room, and I went to the washroom and here they come.
Then we went in for phrase test when it is about time. Went in and started doing the makeup’s things.
Good luck to everyone and myself. :):)
Next lesson was POA lesson. Went for POA, wasn’t having lesson we were having test. The test is alright, but still there’s some question that I don’t know how to do.
Most of us went off after finish doing. We went up to the locker and went off.
Was talking to JW at the ground floor and so we took pic.
Next lesson was POA lesson. Went for POA, wasn’t having lesson we were having test. The test is alright, but still there’s some question that I don’t know how to do.
Most of us went off after finish doing. We went up to the locker and went off.
Was talking to JW at the ground floor and so we took pic.
After enough of snapping photos, we went off. The four of us went to the bus stop and waited for bus, it was damn humid. Board the bus and we went to TI, walked about and went off. I took a bus home and reached home at 1plus. Went to do my thing and talked on the phone with Crazy Brother. Then check mail, send mail and erase mail. Talk to my mum of some stuff and went to bath.
And I am now here posting this.
Going out later on.