Last Thursday I went out at 7plus. Meet up with Ah Ben at somewhere CP and he accompanied me down to Police Station to make some report. Thanks to him if not I wouldn’t be bother to go down. :):)
After that, I went off. Went for dinner and home. That’s all. Went to bed at 11plus that day.
Friday I wake up at 6plus. Went to get things done and went off to school. Reached school at about 9am, so we were all slacking at the 3rd floor. Went in at 9.30am, before lesson we got a good news. Miss Leng told us that, there would be no SOP lesson, meaning we can go off after completing her work. :):)
So we had our MDP lesson, doing the mock test. I find it okay. After doing, I went off. Went home to do my things and mete up with friend to go for lunch. Lunched at somewhere Kovan. After lunch, we went to walk about and I went to my grandparent’s place. Happened to see my brother, downstairs so we went up together and were cracking jokes. Slack over there for awhile and we went off at about 7pm. went for dinner with them at somewhere SK, after that I went to HL’s place. Went there for steamboat dinner!! I would say it is great. And she keeps on taking food for me, that isn’t what a birthday girl should be doing.
Didn’t take any pic as I was at her place, and of cause I dare not do anything funny, LOL. We were all enjoying while eating, as there is an entertainment station, non-stop. And that’s her brother!! Her brother was very cute and entertaining. After eating, we went down to a nearby basketball court to play. Went off at about 10pm as WC got to go, so everyone went off.
Went back to HL house and is time to cut the cake.
This time I took out my cam, at least I got a good reason to take out. :):)
Birthday Girl.

Last Thursday I went out at 7plus. Meet up with Ah Ben at somewhere CP and he accompanied me down to Police Station to make some report. Thanks to him if not I wouldn’t be bother to go down. :):)
After that, I went off. Went for dinner and home. That’s all. Went to bed at 11plus that day.
Friday I wake up at 6plus. Went to get things done and went off to school. Reached school at about 9am, so we were all slacking at the 3rd floor. Went in at 9.30am, before lesson we got a good news. Miss Leng told us that, there would be no SOP lesson, meaning we can go off after completing her work. :):)
So we had our MDP lesson, doing the mock test. I find it okay. After doing, I went off. Went home to do my things and mete up with friend to go for lunch. Lunched at somewhere Kovan. After lunch, we went to walk about and I went to my grandparent’s place. Happened to see my brother, downstairs so we went up together and were cracking jokes. Slack over there for awhile and we went off at about 7pm. went for dinner with them at somewhere SK, after that I went to HL’s place. Went there for steamboat dinner!! I would say it is great. And she keeps on taking food for me, that isn’t what a birthday girl should be doing.
Didn’t take any pic as I was at her place, and of cause I dare not do anything funny, LOL. We were all enjoying while eating, as there is an entertainment station, non-stop. And that’s her brother!! Her brother was very cute and entertaining. After eating, we went down to a nearby basketball court to play. Went off at about 10pm as WC got to go, so everyone went off.
Went back to HL house and is time to cut the cake.
This time I took out my cam, at least I got a good reason to take out. :):)
Birthday Girl.
After cutting and everything, we eat and soon I went off, together with WC. Accompanied WC for her bus and I went off. Reached home at about 12, went to do my things and I went to bed at 1.30am.
Saturday I wake up at 9.30am all because of the stupid noise upstairs. Slack at my bed and I went to do my thing. Went out at afternoon time, walked around at CP to do my thing and meet up with some friend then went to walk about and go for dinner at ViVO.
After dining, we went to walk about and buy mooncake then go home. :):)
Dinner was alight, although our initially plan was to dine at Marina Deck.
Next we went to ECP, slack over there, see thing, walk about and play arcade. Went off at 12am, went home.
Reached home at 12plus, I went to do my thing and sleep at 3am.
Sunday I wake up at about 12pm, went to get things done and out. Went over to CP, walked around to find cakeshop but I couldn’t find 1kg cake, mostly is ½kg. After that I went off to Aunty and Uncle’s house. Went there to pass them some stuff and went to walk at somewhere NP to continue finding cakeshop and I decided to let the birthday boy choose himself. I went to AMK to do my thing and meet up with EC at there and we went to buy stuff and cake. Didn’t get him any present.
After buying everything we went up to his house for his 21st birthday celebration. Steamboat dinner. And went out again as we needed to buy some more stuff. :):)
Then we had our dinner and everything. Again, no photos as I dare not do anything funny. :):)
Birthday Boy.
After that he send his aunty off and came back to see pic, LOL. And we went off at about 10pm. went to somewhere upper Thomson rd to have dinner cum supper at, The Prata House. After eating we went off.
Monday I wake up at 6plus, get things done and I went off to school. Reached there just nice but Ms Leng has already start lesson. So, quickly go in and lesson and get start with my work. Was having MDP exam, photoshop.
After finishing, I went up to locker to get my BEO book and went off. Was really not well. Went to the nearby polyclinic for consultation and went home to sleep. Wake up at 5.15 and I went to do my thing and went out at night for dinner at somewhere Redhill then went over to TBHP, walked the Henderson Waves and went for supper at somewhere my house and go home.