Saturday I left my grandparent’splace at about 10pm. Took a cab down to compasspoint to pick mysis and homed.:):)
Then meetup with boyf at about 11.
Went to somewhere yishun for prata. Meet SH over there.
Then we went to YD, and SH decided to go over to somewhere nearby to meetup with some other people. Went over there, chill and back to dam.
Meetup with HR first and followedby the rest.
Well, left at about 3am.
Back home and sleep. So tired.
Yesterday I gotup at 11plus.
Get things done and I wentout.
Went down to compasspoint to meetup with my dear primaryschoolmates; Jolyn, Daniel, Desmond!!
I miss them so much.
Well, we were all on time. Meetup at 2pm.
Took the train down to punggol and took a cab in to MCC.
Went to prawn fishing!!
We were all so excited. Fishprawn for about 3hours. Good catch, I were says. 10over.

Chat a lot. Catchup the oldtimes.
Really fun and its like so much of primaryschool unglam thing. Like only those who are close knows.
Digout really lots of funny thing of everyones.
After fishprawning, the guys went to the arcade to play and left. Wentoff at about 6.15pm.
Oncall a cab and went over to downtowneast cause Jolyn wanted to dine at Sakura.
But when we were there, it seems very pack, some says its expensive and it seems like a foodcourt to us. So we changed our mind. Dine at HEISUSHI.
Really fun. Lots of crap.
We ate a lot!!
And photos!!
My dearfriends;

We were inside for like 3hours.
Left at about 9pm.
Wanted to take a cab down to tampines but couldn’t flag any so we decide to take bus since the bus has arrives.
Went to tampinesmall toilet first and its like, cleaning in progress with lots of people occupying the path and its so cramp.
Managed to use the toilet at leveltwo and went to interchange to take bus.
Desmond alight first followedby me and the rest.
Really tired.
I reached home at about 11pm.
Washup and slacked down there.
Wentout at about 12mn.
This morning I gotup at about 7.30am.
Get things done and went TTSH with mum and sis.
Then I wentoff. Back to grandparent’splace and sleep.
Gotup at 2plus.
Tired. Headpain, toothpain, mouthpain. Terrible.