Friday I wentoff from my grandparent’splace at about 11pm.
Took a cab back with mum, sis&maid.
Tired cum a little frustrated.
Got home, get things done, talk.
Well, we were all seems like hungry, LOLs. And I decided to call mcdelivery.
Took a cab back with mum, sis&maid.
Tired cum a little frustrated.
Got home, get things done, talk.
Well, we were all seems like hungry, LOLs. And I decided to call mcdelivery.
Yes, I dial and makes order.:):)
And the order come damn fast!! Like 10minutes. Great.
Well, we were talking and talking and I didn’t sleep.
So, I tried to shut my eyes but I couldn’t. and I was lying at the bed.
Went to washup at about 8am and do the laundry and whatsoever.
Wake sis&maid up then get things done and we went for breakfast then to fairprice to buy groceries.
And ya, we walked from home and walked back home.
and carrying with lots of things.
Heavy heavy!!
I remember we buy rice, fruits, vegetables, cannedfood, cereal, drinks and some others.
Went home, pack stuffs and we wentoff to chongpang.
Meetup with grandma&uncle over there and we went back to uncle’soffice.
Gosh. Tired, sleepy.:(:(
Then went back to grandparent’splace. Chat with the relatives, slack and sleep!!
And I gotup at 7plus. Cousin wake me up.
Gotup, washup and accompany cousin for dinner.
And I am like still in the sleepingmood. But I got no choice.
Well, so I gotup, slack about, washup, bath.
Wentoff at like, hmmms.
Let me recall.
At about 11.30pm and shit. I missed the lastbus!!
What a swayday.
Well, of cause I did went home.
Yesterday I gotup at 11plus, slack and do the laundry then wentoff.
Went over to grandparent’splace.
Was having real damn pain’s stomach cramp. Like hell.
Pain, pain and pain.
Resting over there, revising homework for mu sis&cousin.
Having fun over there.
Wentoff at about 11.20pm, wentover to compasspoint and to somewhere nearby.:):)
Well, cant remember much.
Today I wentoff at about 2.30pm.
Went over to TTSH and meetup with mum&maid and mummy is going for the radiotherapy.
Afterthat, listen to the doctor talk, guess I’m already get used to it.
And to the pharmacy to buy stuffs then uncle came and fetch us.:):)
We didn’t went off.
We went to punggolend!!
Haven’t been there for a longtime.:):)

Then next, we went to punggolmarina!!
Went to see the yatch, the scene.:):)

And the order come damn fast!! Like 10minutes. Great.
Well, we were talking and talking and I didn’t sleep.
So, I tried to shut my eyes but I couldn’t. and I was lying at the bed.
Went to washup at about 8am and do the laundry and whatsoever.
Wake sis&maid up then get things done and we went for breakfast then to fairprice to buy groceries.
And ya, we walked from home and walked back home.
and carrying with lots of things.
Heavy heavy!!
I remember we buy rice, fruits, vegetables, cannedfood, cereal, drinks and some others.
Went home, pack stuffs and we wentoff to chongpang.
Meetup with grandma&uncle over there and we went back to uncle’soffice.
Gosh. Tired, sleepy.:(:(
Then went back to grandparent’splace. Chat with the relatives, slack and sleep!!
And I gotup at 7plus. Cousin wake me up.
Gotup, washup and accompany cousin for dinner.
And I am like still in the sleepingmood. But I got no choice.
Well, so I gotup, slack about, washup, bath.
Wentoff at like, hmmms.
Let me recall.
At about 11.30pm and shit. I missed the lastbus!!
What a swayday.
Well, of cause I did went home.
Yesterday I gotup at 11plus, slack and do the laundry then wentoff.
Went over to grandparent’splace.
Was having real damn pain’s stomach cramp. Like hell.
Pain, pain and pain.
Resting over there, revising homework for mu sis&cousin.
Having fun over there.
Wentoff at about 11.20pm, wentover to compasspoint and to somewhere nearby.:):)
Well, cant remember much.
Today I wentoff at about 2.30pm.
Went over to TTSH and meetup with mum&maid and mummy is going for the radiotherapy.
Afterthat, listen to the doctor talk, guess I’m already get used to it.
And to the pharmacy to buy stuffs then uncle came and fetch us.:):)
We didn’t went off.
We went to punggolend!!
Haven’t been there for a longtime.:):)
Then next, we went to punggolmarina!!
Went to see the yatch, the scene.:):)