Wentover to vintage to relax.
Meetup with YR&YH over there.
And, ya drink. I ordered a glass individually and they ordered a jug of cranberryvodka.
And we were singing, playing cards.:)
Left at prettylate, 1plus, I guess. And back.
Thursday I remember goingover to ssc with mummy at the evening.
We went to dine at nyny first and to walk about, went into giant and buy lots of thing.

And is damn heavy. Cab home with all the stuffs.
Alright, was packing my room the wholenight. Shifting things, everything out of myroom, except for wardrobe.:)
Doing cleanup and tidying.
Friday was going to the hospital with mummy. Went to subway to eat and we went to square2 to walk around.
I was seriously damn tired, didn’t sleep enough.
And afterthat, was just going back home and I dozedoff, the sun is killing me!!
And I got a slightfever, tiredtired.
Staying at home the wholeday, went to eat at prataplace&followby the wantonmee.
Thatsall, I guess.
Saturday was wakingup at super late!!
Like 1pm, LOL.
Wentover to plazasingapura.
Dine at pastamania first.:)
Alright, I was shopping the wholeday over there, buying lots of stuffs.
And we actually went to play the ufocatcher!!
Enjoying!! And we actually buy lots of stuffs. And carrying those stuffs around, we decides to put in the car and we went to continue our ufocatcher.
Won a limitededition portable speaker&cosmeticbox!!
And those smallsmall plush.
Oh, saw brother&cindysis there too.:)
Left at prettylate, like 12.30. And we still went to mustafacentre!!
And home like finally.:)
Sunday I gotup at about 10am.
Slack, do things and wentback to sleep.
Wentover to grandparent’splace in the evening.
Had dinner, slack over and home.
Lots of documents.
Yesterday was going to bugis with mummy&sis!!
Greatgreat, a long time since we last really wentout together.
Then meetup with kenbrother over there.:)
We went to dine first cause I am hungry.
Eat at sweetbrothers.

Then we went to the arcade.
Alright, we went to daiso to buy thing again, lots of thing to buy and we went to play the ufocatcher again.:)
Didn’t spend a lot. Off to geylang to eat. Hungry!!
Superfull!! The food is nice too.
Back then the nextday, came to grandparent’splace.
And I am here rightnow.
Was sleeping the whole afternoon.
And I am here rightnow.
Was sleeping the whole afternoon.