Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Alright, wentout on Sunday night.
Headdown to meet the loveones.
A funday there.
But, I am afraid when I am there, ya.
Alright, we were playing the drinking game, and some others.
Well, thats all, sing a little, talk.
Off for supper then home.
Yesterday was a tiringday.
Wentto the office in the morning, slack, do things.
Tiredtired, then wentover to auntiejolin'shouse.
I wanted to sleep so much but really got no time, was busy with stuffs.
Then wentfor dinner with her&family at rivervalemall.
Dinner, shop and off.
Wentover to herplace first, and I take a nap.
Then it was raining heavily.:(:(
And I was a little notwell.
Well, I still wentback home, thedearest cameover to fetch me, hahaha.
And we wentfor supper with the rest, and home sweet home.
Today I wasnt feeling well.
Stayed home.
Waiting for mydear YR to call me, cause initially we were supposed to be meeting but she say she will call, so I just wait.
Well, do my stuffs.