After breakfast, we went to school reach school at about 7. Went up to class and the door is lock. Only saw Kevin. Was surprised that he comes so early. Then we waited for a while then we go inside classroom and we crap there. Hahas. Was having fun in there. Didn’t go for recess.
I was so happy today. Went back home after school then went out. Went out with YR. Went for lunch then to Yishun Safra with her to play table pool. Wanted to play bowling but all the lane is occupied.
So, we went off. Went to Yishun Park and talk about thing. Play swing.
Hahas. It’s so fun. It has been a long time since I played swing. Then we went to NP's Starbucks. Slack there.
After that we went off. Before we went off, we went to Cold Storage to buy cereal.
Reach home at about 9. Hahas.