Then we reach our destination!! Went to T2 to gather as we are told to do so. Then we got homework to do, ok? Hahas. Initially, we don’t plan to do. There are English and Mathematic homework that we need to complete. We went to the Money Changer area to do the Maths homework and since we done one so must well do all, right? So I do the English, as my Maths is not good at all. Then after we are done, there’s a question, which require us to take the Sky Train. So we suggested that we go meet up with the guys and go together. We called them and they said they are at BK. So we went there to meet them. We asked them to go take the Sky Train and they told us they have already went. Hahas. It’s a good thing! Hahas. So, we copied their answer. Then we were sitting down at BK, slacking. And I flip over the homework and I saw a question which require us to go to T2 departure hall to look at the fight, destination and. . .
So I was like so happy as I had taken I photos of that and I just need to look at the picture and copy from there. Cool! Hahas.
Then I bring them to the Viewing Mall, as the BK staffs don’t allow us to do our work there.
Then we do our homework there. And the guys were slacking and girls doing homework and helping them to do. Then, we also play poker cards and PSP. Hahas.
Took pic down there too.
Then it’s about time to gather. So we went to Mac as our gathering place is at Mac.
Then after everyone is there, we went up to the excursion bus. Sit with Serena but she is busy playing poker with the rest so I went to sit with YR and we talk. Reaches school and we went off. Went to have our lunch. I didn’t eat, as I didn’t bring money. Hahas. Thanks people for lending me money but I really don’t need. Hahas. Then we went off and PK is really very disturbing and wants to disturb Ben. So he plans to meet Ben and his friend after we all went home and get thing done. YR came to my house, as she got no place to go. Hahas. They we were joking at there. Hahas. Then I went to prepare and w went to meet the rest. Again, while waiting for others, we played poker cards. Then Ben’s friend wanted to go SAFRA so we went. Went there to play table pool. I didn’t really play, as I don’t want to play. Then most of us went to the Bowling Alley area to play poker cards so after the rest has finished playing, they came over to find us. Then we went for dinner at a nearby coffee shop. After that, we went off. Took the same bus with Serena and Ben.
Thanks everyone for the fun.