After we buy, we went to MS open space area to slack and talk. And talk about what is in our heart. And, I think we are really very honest and we talk everything out. Then she asks me to eat as I didn’t eat so I tell her I am not hungry. Then we asked YR to join us also. So, the 3 of us talk lots of thing and I really think what they say are really true but I think I shouldn’t think of what others say. We sit there and talk about guy in our class.
Then they say something and I really find it weird. Then we went to Mac at about 9 as YR wanted to eat. I remember JW say something to me. She say, I am very skinny and I should eat more and YR say something like, when someone is not in the mood, then he/she would have no appetite. I think that’s true. The we went to Mac, they eat there then we continue our thing and they keep on talking and saying comforting words to me and I don’t have chance to talk cause the moment I say something they will sure have thing to say and they asked me to do many thing whereby I never do before and I am not those people that would do that. And I told them, I have already done something whereby I wouldn’t do it and I have done it on Monday. They say, once is not enough.
We slack at Mac as they are eating and we are also talking.
Took some pic.
And our phones are on the table and suddenly, there is vibration and we are all so agitated to take a look at our phone but the vibration belongs to YR’s phone. OK, maybe we are all waiting for msg. So, half way through talking, both of them started to msg and, non-stop so I sit there and listen to song but they did talk to me also. And my phone’s battery is going to flat so they ask me not to listen as my battery is going to flat and they say incase people want find me, cannot find me. And we talk lots of thing then they song and sing non-stop, even without the song, the sing. And, is public place. Is going to 10 so I ask JW to finish up her thing and went off but, she say she still don’t want to go home. I asked her what time you want to go and she say later on. We went off at quite late and we went to CL’s toilet then we went to the toile again and we were playing and talking inside the toilet. Then we went to take train but, different from YR. JW alight first then follow by me, I was so tired and not feeling very well. After I alight, I went to the interchange to take bus back. I feel so uneasy and my bus came, I went up and I saw PK also. Is like, so happy but, there is nothing I can do then I thought of what they say, hahas. I reach home at 12.30 and I went to get things done and I went to bed. Wake up at 7plus this morning then I went back to sleep and I wake up at 10plus then I went back to sleep and I wake up at 3plus. The moment I wake up, I thought of what we say yesterday.
Something I remember is that: we are just so near to each another but our heart is far apart. *Drifted Away.