Well, after everything we went off. Reach home at 10plus. I went to do my thing and was on the phone with JX, after we hanged, I went to bed.
This morning I wake up at 5plus, was really tired but still, I got to wake up. Do my thing and went out. While boarding the bus at TI, I saw MH!! So we went to school together. She went to cafe1 to meet up with PF while I went to meet up with YR. reach school at 7.15, went to study area to study; seriously, I couldn’t remember lots of things at then. we study and study and try to memories as many as possible. Then more and more people come and join us. Thanks MH for the cake!!
After awhile I went up to meet up with PF and MH then the rest came up too. Continued to study at there, was nervous at then. When it’s about time to report we were really scared. Finally, we went in; went in to the examination hall. Today is my 2nd paper, I don’t think I do well but I just need to score. Today paper is a finish and go paper, so after we are done we can go. Once again, the PKFC meet up. PK and JW went out first, followed by me, Kevin and Benjamin. We were discussing about the paper, they were waited for YR, I didn’t know so we were all sitting at there. I asks Kevin what are they waiting for, he say wait for the YR so I tell him she wont be joining them as we are going out. So they went off, left JW and me at there. Talk with her for a while and YR came out. I went off with her as initially we got something on but I don’t intend to go so we didn’t go. I wanted to go shopping!! But tomorrow is our paper and we are still in the mood of shopping. We went down to Orchard area; is GSS now!!
While waiting for the bus, coincidentally we saw the 3 naughty guys, hahas. Isn’t this fate? LOL.
YR and me went for shopping; great great!! We reached there at 11plus and we went off at about 7. We buy a lot, my stuff is so heavy.
I buy 2bags, a few dresses and clothing, beauty product and some other stuff.
We lunched at Pastamania.
I didn’t eat a lot just eat the banana pizza.
After lunch we continue our shopping, and is buying and buying.
Was a little not happy with the service provider at one of Sasa’s outlet. Was asking if they have a product that I want but the service provider says they don’t carry the product but I found it myself. :(:(
Went to some store to buy stuff and I paid by NETS, know what the cashier tell me? She says my payment is disapproval!! Why?! I started to panic because there should be money in it. Then she tries again and is okay. Everything works well, scared.
We went to slack at Gelare as I wanted to sit and have a drink.
I am really tired because there is nothing else for me to shop.
After that we went to walk awhile and I suggest going off as it is about time to go home. And initially our planning was to go and take neopint but the shop has closed down so we went home. I reached home at 8.20. Unpack my stuff, wash those clothing and bathed. I spend 80over today.
I am not tired but I got nothing to do. I am just not happy.
Going for movie tomorrow with YR!! Looking forward to that.
I am now, posting this, reading some stuff and surfing the net.
Tomorrow is my last paper. Study hard.
Lets enjoy after exam!! I just want fun.