Yesterday I wake up at 8plus, went off. Saw Kevin and PK when I reached the bus stop, I was really surprised, I didn't know we start at the same time. We took the same bus down to TI and they went to the bank while I queued for the bus but coincidentally, I saw Benjamin and he cut the queue then is just so coincident that I saw Kevin and PK again, and they are also taking the same bus as us so they just cut the queue, so bad if them. I was a little late for lesson. First lesson was BEG, nothing much just teach some beauty tips. After that went for next lesson, POA. After POA, went off. Off for lunch, we went to cafe1 and lunched there and just slack there and go for next lesson. Went for BEO, was teaching, teaching and teaching. After BEG we continued to stay in the lab and wait for next lesson which is MDP. MDP was all right, interesting, fun. Was given an assignment, I managed to finish it on time. Went off just nice at 5pm. took a bus down to TI and meet up with YH at TM, we went for dinner at Pastamania.
Doesn’t taste very nice. :(:(
After dinner, we just sit down there and chat and we went off. We went to walk around and went to fairprice to buy some stuff, was having lots of fun while inside there. After buying we went to the open plaza to slack and chitchat, talk about some unpleasant stuff of his. So sorry. Cheer up. :):)
We went off at 9plus and I reached home at 10plus. Was really tired. When I reached home, I went to do my thing; prepared for today, do homework and pack my stuff. Then was msging with some friends and followed by on the phone with Edwin then YH.
YH, thanks for the little brief on R&J story. After hanging up the calls, I went to bed.
This morning I wake up at 8plus, get things done and I went out. Reached school at around 9.45 and lesson was at 10. I went up to the locker as I wanted to take my book and I saw my Kevin and PK there. I opened my locker but my book wasn’t inside so I went to class, I was there on time. And WC helped me to take my book that’s why I can’t find, thanks. Lesson was sort of boring, was talking and talking; tutorial. Was having POA and I find the lesson so so. Then we are entitled to 10mins break so we went to the washroom and slack around the corridor area and chat. Miss Leng walk pass us and she asked why aren’t we in class, LOL. Before going in to class for lesson, I saw Matthew but Terence wasn’t with him, chat with him for a while and I went back for lesson. After lesson, was BEO, was again teaching and teaching. Then off to lunch but I didn’t go down for lunch as I didn’t bring money to school, I went down to make a call using the public phone and I dial the wrong number. We went down and got no place to go, wanted to go Amphitheatre initially but we didn’t, we went up to the study area. They buy lots of junk stuff and MH buy something for me, thank you. :):)
I did buy a news paper so I was reading it and some news really caught my attention.
Soon, its time to go for next lesson which is again POA-SOP. Went for lesson, on my way there, I saw Terence!! :):)
POA this time was interesting, then after lesson we go off. I went off with YR and happen to see WC at the entry so we went out together. Though we were all going to different direction but we are at the same bus stop as I am waiting for Edwin, YR is taking the bus over there and WC just accompany us, hahas. Thanks for the company. I went off first as Edwin has reached and I was being sent home, thanks anyway. Reached home at about 3.30 and I went to do my thing, chat in MSN, online shopping, surf the net for some research and watch show. Well, I was online all the while but I was afk, was painting my nail and packing my bag and was only back at about 11.40 and I see lots of msg. Was chatting in MSN right now with YH and Terence, our conversation seems to be never ending.