After eating we had ice cream!! I didn’t want to eat but no choice. :(
It’s coffee taste!!
While having out lunch down there, we saw a group go guy and they seem to be staring at us because we seems to be like making a fool of ourselves over there. We enjoyed.
After everything we went off for next lesson, while waiting for next lesosn to start, I saw Terence again, and also Matthew, chat with them for a while and I go for lesson which is POA, was telling us what to do for our group work and after we handed in everything we can go. Lesson suppose to end at 3 but we go off early, I went to change and pack my stuff then went off with YR. before going off, we went back to the locker to put our stuff and again, happen to see Kevin, he walked out of the class as he is going to the locker to take book. While walking towards the bus stop to take bus we saw some classmate and WC, we took the same bus. YR and I alights after a few stops and we took another bus down to Bugis. Went to BS, I buy a lot of thing, shop and shop and shop, tiring.
We went off at 6plus, walked to don’t know where. We were thinking of where to go for dinner, she thought of having it at QQ Noodle House and I thought of going to the multi story hawker over there but when I told her, her response back was: ‘what? You want to have your dinner there?’ Nothing wrong, right? I just want to eat some hawker food.
But, when we are there, we realize that the hawker is under renovation, so we went to other place to eat, after eating I went home. Reached home at 7plus, went to do my thing, watch show and went to bed at 11plus, was really tired after a long day.
This morning I wake up at 6plus, went to get things done and went off. Went off at 7.40, reached school at about 9, and went for lesson. First lesson, MDP. Was continuing with the last assignment and do our POA-SOP project stuff, then was CARE lesson, free time and we are still continuing with SOP project and suddenly there is a fire drill, was so bored, everyone was called down while slacking over there, I took pic;

And we are off, went up to class, while going off I happen to see Terence and Matthew!! Chat with them for a while and we went off. Went back to class, POA-SOP lesson. Went for half an hour and we go off. Lessons suppose to end at 1 but we I go off at 11.30 as my group has finished everything. Don’t know where to go as lesson ends early and singing starts at 2, find Matthew to accompany me but couldn’t get response, so I went off. Took a bus down to TI and took another bus back but coincidentally I saw Jacky, we were chatting. After I alight, I took another bus home. Reached home at 1plus, went to do my thing and surf the net, listen to songs, chat in MSN and slack.
Went to bath and prepared at about 4. I am going out soon. :)
Got a call from Brother not long ago and he is meeting me at 6.45, I think I won’t be late.