Yesterday YR came over to my house at 4plus, as the weather is killing, we intend to go out when the sunset. She is supposed to be accompanying me but ended up, stealing my photos. :(:(
And we went to watch TV show as we got nothing to go and you know my house got not much thing. I went to prepare at about 6 as we intend to leave my house at 6.30pm. So, I went to get things done, prepare and we set off. Took a bus down to VC. Sudden thought of eating PH but VC doesn’t have so we just went to a sort of fast food place; Super Dog.
After our dinner, we went to walk around. I buy some stuff and we just slack around at the outside as it was real cold inside. After enough of slacking and resting, we went back in to walk around and I went down to Candy Empire to buy chocolates. :):)
After buying, we finally head home. We were both so tired, I reached home at 11plus, I went to do my things then chat with my mum for a while and I went to my room. Got a call from YH at about 12.30am, talked with him till about 3 and we hanged up, as I am really tired. After the hanging up, I went to bed.
This morning I wake up at 6plus, went to get things done and I continue to slack at my bed even though I got my thing done. Then I msged YR asking where is she at about 7.30 and she told me she is at home. Great, high chance of us taking the same bus. And we really took the same bus down to campus. Reached campus just in time, went up to lab and not a lot of people was there. First lesson was MDP, but starting of the lesson is fun because Miss Leng shows us the photos taken during our JB trip and that already take up a lot of time. Then we got good news, BEO lesson for today is cancelled, POA lesson shift forward in order to make our life easier. MDP was doing new assignment, is our project. I think I didn’t do very well, hahas. After MDP we went down to change and gather for our 2.4run. After the run, we are relies. We went over to cafe1 to slack and accompany YR, as she wants to eat. Couldn’t find any sits when we get in as it was about lunchtime and is packed but thanks God. We got place, not because we found it but because I got a call from Theophilus telling me that he is leaving. :):)
After setting down, we just talk and talk. And went off at 12.30, went up to class but teaches wasn’t there. And about 10minutes later we were told to go to another classroom. Went POA lesson for less than half an hour and we are off, today POA lesson was doing test, surprise test. After the test, we are dismissed. We went up to locker to put our books and we went off. Initially plan was to catch a movie but, we were a little hyper today and I want to go and sing. And so we went to Kbox. Took a bus down to E!Hub and went to sing.
After singing we went off. Went off at 7sharp. All of us went home. They went off first while YR and I went to the washroom but still we see HL while walking over to the bus stop and I board the same bus as JW. I was so tired. Went to open my letterbox just now and I received my very first birthday present, voucher from PW. Reached home at 8plus and I went to get things done. Online but AFK, and just slack. Due to many feedback of my chatbox' colour, I changed. Hopefully it will be better. :):)
Once again, nobody is home.