Wednesday I went over to my grandparent’s place. Stayed till about 8.30pm and I went home. Uncle fetched me back.
Thank you. :):)
Before going home, we went to pack dinner for aunty. Reached home at 9.15pm.
I called someone but the someone asked me to called at a later timing.
Isn’t it heartbreaking?
Then I went to watch some TV show and listen to song music. Really down.
Edwin called at about 11pm, saying wanting to meet for supper, together with Lynn and Steven. Didn’t want to go for the meet ups and all the quarrel thing comes again.
Hanged up the phone and I went to my room, do my thing and pack some stuff.
I was extremely hungry at then. Didn’t have my dinner but also not wanting to eat.
Was listening to songs and phone ranged at 12plus am.
Talked on the phone all the way till 2am. :):)
And I continued my show and do my thing. Went to bed at about 6 in the morning.
Thursday I wake up at 12.30pm as my alarm ranged, I was too tired that I went back to bed till about 3pm. Got up get things done, talk to mum and went out. Went out at 4.30pm as meeting up but again I was waiting.
I hate waiting.
Called him at 4.45 and we got to meet up later, time changed to 5.30pm.
I went to pack food for myself, as I have not yet eaten. Happened to see Mr Danny Tan over there and he asked me to go back to YSS to get our production. It was about 5 at then. I went home, had my lunch and went out at 5.15 to find him. He passed me about 12disc; I hope it will be enough.
After collecting, I went back home. Then the next moment, I went out again. Went out at about 5.30, went down to pack food and I waited for Edwin. Meet up and we headed to HM, after that we went over to my grandparent’s place. No one was at home and so we went off. But, we happen to see them at the bus stop, and we go for dinner together. :):)
Went over to somewhere Balestier for dinner.
After dinner we went to walk about and send my grandparent home.
We went up, they had a chat. :):)
And we go off. Went over to BV, shop about and we go off. I wanted to go over to Mustafa and so we went but it was very pack so we went off. Can’t think of where to go and we go over to his house and watched; MNE2. Second time watching.
After watching, it was about 12plus. We went for supper at Mac then home.
Reached home at about 2am.
I went to wash up and went to bed but I couldn’t sleep.
Was lying down at my bed from about 3am till 5am and I decide to get up. I am seriously not tired at all.
I went to watch some show till 6am.
Finally, I went to bed at about 6.30am. Sleeping soundly. :):)
Saturday I got up at 9plus, about 10am.
Was slacking at my bed and thinking of stuffs, then I went to wash up, talk to my mum and do my thing and went to meet up with Edwin. This time round, I am late. We were supposed to be meeting at 10am but ended up meeting at 11am. We went for breakfast at Han’s, upper Thomson rd. After breakfast we go off, went in straight to Malaysia.
He told me some heartbreaking thing while going in and the ending part I really feel like punching him.
He cracks some stuff with me, which is nothing something fun.
We went over to Melaka.
I was really surprised; we only take average 1hour and 50minutes to travels. And we did stop for a while to let the car rest.
We were traveling at a real damn fast speed. From 60km/h slowing to 180km/h.
Reached there and we start to find place to stay.
And he decides staying at KINGS HOTEL. :):)
We went to check in and about 2.30pm. Stayed inside the room till like 4plus and we went out. Initially plan was to go over to ‘Christ Church’, but we couldn’t find our way there so we went to a shopping center instead. Went in to walk about and buy some stuff, walk about, had our lunch, sushi and we happened to walk out from one of the exits and so we went over to St. Paul Church.
It was really tiring climbing ups the stairs.
Finished our exploring.
We went back to the shopping mall to shop.
After that we went to the Jusco SC.
Reached there at about 7pm. Went in to walk about and went to the supermarket to but some stuff.
It was late at then so we went back. Went to bath and watch the show.
He went to sleep at about 10pm and I continued watching the TV show. Watched a show named; ‘Behind Enemy Lines’.
A great and touching show.
Show finished at about 11.45pm, I went to wash up and bed.
Couldn’t sleep, too noisy.
Too much noise; vehicles noise, snoring noise and the dream talking noise.
Isn’t it pathetic?!
Couldn’t sleep because of the noise.
I get off my bed at 1am and went to see the scene.
I regrets for not bringing my ipod over, LOL.
Edwin got up at 2plus and we start to talk as the both of us couldn’t sleep. Went to bath at about 4am and he went back to sleep and I also.
I got up at about 6am all because of him.
Once I got up, I couldn’t sleep. I went to pack my stuff, wash up and changed. And I watched the show over there. Watched till 9am and he got up and we went for breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, we went up to pack our stuff and checkout. Checkout at about 9.30am, leave there and we went over to the Christ Church!!
This time round, we really went there. :):)
I thought that was something likes a chapel or museum but I was wrong.
It has a sanctuary for worship and the church is open for all.
We did go in to the sanctuary but couldn’t take any pic as it is not allowed.
Since I couldn’t take any pic inside the sanctuary, I buy the postcard and this show how the inside look like. :):)
Next we went to the Museum ship.
And lastly going off.
The traffic there.
Didn’t have our lunch and it was 11.45am at then, we went to one of the shopping over there.
The shopping seems like it has nothing inside and so we went off.
Went to pump petrol and go off.
Decide to go for lunch at JB as I wanted to eat the Wanton Mee there.
On my way back, I was tired.
It was having a heavy rain at then. :(:(
We reached there at about 3pm. Went to the hawker but the Wanton Mee stall is not operating so we eat the yong tau fu stall. It was a hakka stall.
The way they serve is different.
I didn’t regret eating. :):)
Didn’t eat before and I think I couldn’t find it in Singapore.
After our lunch we went off, back to Singapore.
Thank you.
Reached home at 4plus and I went to bed immediately.
Wake up at 9.30pm but I was too tired so I went back to bed and got up at 12.30am.
It was too late at then and I went back to bed.
Wake up at 3.30am.
Talked on the phone for a while and I went to do my thing.
Upload photos to com and pack my stuff.
Got everything done at about 7am and I went to watch some show and slack down there, went to bath at about 8am and pack my stuff. Wanted to go to Chinese clinic but I came to know that the clinic is close today, so I stayed at home and listen to songs.
Went out at about 10am as meeting Edwin but he haven’t reach so I went back home.
And went out at 10.45 with my parent, fetched them to some place and we go for breakfast cum lunch at somewhere Thomson, after that we went to TP to walk around and we go over to his house to take the disk then to HM to walk about and lastly, my grandparent’s place.
And I am now here.