Saturday I left my house at 6plus.
Went over to CP, had our dinner and went over to sembawangpark for my dear girl, alicia’s birthday party.
Cool. We were talking and slacking down there.
The birthday girl;
Saw fremond over there too.
Well, I stayed for like 1hours and we left.
Left at about 10pm to the carworkshop as Edwin wants to have a look at his car. After that we went over to his house to take a look at something, stayed for just 10minutes and we left.
Went over to YD to meetup with the rest, nic and co..
As usual.
Its damn windy, is always like that over there.
Guess, we were all shivering.
Stayed for like 45minutes or 1hours and we left for supper. Before going for supper, we went to petrol station or withdrawl/transfer money first.
As usual, supper at JK. Left after that.
Went to edwin’s house, stayed down there. We were watching show and talking and he fall asleep at like 3am, I guess. I couldn’t sleep at all and I took out my ipod and start to listen to it.
Left his house at about 7.30am. Fetched me home and we went to work.
I couldn’t sleep when I reached home though I was tired initially. So, again I took out my ipod and listen. Repeat the songs; big girls don’t cry by Fergie and I just dozeoff.
Yesterday I got up at 1.30pm.
Went to get things done, bathed and everything and I slacked down there.
Oh, myboy came at like 3pm and he left at about 4pm.
He went back home to bath and get things done and we meet again at about 4.45pm. went over to CP to buy oranges for my grandparent’ and my house, help my sis to get 2cartons of drinks and also drinks for my house. after all the buying we went off to my grandparent’s place for reunion dinner.
Reached there at like 6.30pm.
I can only see three people in the kitchen, which is my grandma, mother and aunty. I was like dots. I understand that some wanted to help up but don’t know what to do.
I went in, calling everyone. So tired of it.
Other than people in the kitchen, the rest were at the livingroom watching tv show.
I went in to the kitchen to help up, talked to them.
We were just like talking jokes and crack some jokes.
Perhaps we are doing that to kill times, LOL.
Had the dinner at about 7.30pm. :):)

Everyone attends the dinner except for one of my uncle.
My secondaunty, brother and his girl came a little late, like 20minutes.
Really enjoy the feeling of reuniondinner. :):)
Man, we didn’t finish everything.
So I should say we are small eater or the food is just damn a lot.
After dinner, all of us helped up in the cleaning and clearing.
Soon, many left and is like almost all left. I was in the kitchen all the while, helping.
Left at about 10.30pm, by then only my grandparent is there.
We went to pump petrol and to my house.
Reached home at about 11.30pm.
Slacked down there, do my thing and I went to read a book and again dozeoff.
Wakeup at 4.30pm just now and this time round I continued the book and finished.
The book is call, I BELIEVE YOU by Loh Kay Haw.
A great story.
Just had a bath.:):)