Hmmms, haven’t been posting for a long time. Was busy with school; too much to study. I am right now in school. Lets start of at where I stop. This should be a long post.
Last Wednesday I wake up at 6plus, as usual, do my thing and went for school.
Was supposed to have CRN mock test but it was cancelled due to some teambuilding stuff. Oh, call my class a ‘lucky’ class again. We are told that we are the selected class. Reach school at 8plus, then went to ISCs Dance Studio to report. We were having great fun down there. After the workshop we went for CRN lesson, do practice, again. After CRN, was supposed to be having SBM but I didn’t went as I don’t have to. Only some people have to attend. Meaning I got an 2 hours break, meet up with YB then we went for lunch together, after lunch I went for my lesson. Thought lesson is at our classroom, which is according to the timetable so I waited down there. And I called PF, MH and WC but they never pick up my call. I call YR to confirm again and I realize our lesson room had changed. It’s at 6 floors. I went up slowly as there are still time.
I will be having test and I really need motivation;
Went for the test then went off. Took a bus down to TI, went to walk around and Tiffany and me are meeting up. I reach there earlier so I went to shop. And finally she comes!! We went to walk around, as we can’t decide where to go. Then we went to Pastamania for some drink and share a plate of pasta.
And talk about lots of stuff.
After that we went to walk around, I thought of going in to Toys ‘R’ Us, so we went. And we were having lots of fun at there, went there to buy some stuff too. When to come out from there, we thought of going to the washroom so we just went without taking our belonging. I saw Kenneth, Pearlyn and Benjamin at there. After we come out from the toilet we went to collect our belonging, I saw Mcginn. Hmmms, see too much people at there. Tiffany and me went to walk around and we thought of going to buy crepe to eat but both of us doesn’t have cash with us so we thought of paying it by NETS but they don’t accept, so we didn’t but. We went to withdrawal money but the machine only produce $50/- and I don’t want to withdrawal so much so I didn’t withdrawal. Shop around and we went in to The Body Shop to buy some stuff and went off. I went home, do my thing and went to bed at 10plus.
Thursday I wake up at 6plus, went to do my thing and went out. I am late for lesson as I thought lesson starts at 9!! I slowly do my thing and I went out at about 7. Reach TI at 8plus and out of sudden I realize I am late, my lesson starts at 8. Reach class at 8plus, but I managed to finish my assignment. We were chatting down there and I thought of going out so I asked them if they also want. Then we decide to go for some games of bowl. I didn’t want to go but I feel like playing so much. So I didn’t’ go. After first lesson we went to OFC. Was doing assignment; I didn’t bring books to school as I thought teacher would be going through our test paper. So I went to borrow books from PK without his permission. OFC is supposed to be ending at 11 but we went off at 10plus. We went to the toilet, as we wanted to change. I think we spend like half an hour at there. They went down first as I went to meet YB to pass him his stuff and I went to find Miss Leng to pass her some stuff also.
Went down and meet up with them then we take a bus down to E! Hub together, I accompanied YR and them to eat then I went off. Too much to say so I shouldn’t says.
Friday I got no school!! That’s really cool!! All lesson cancelled. I sleep till 9, thought I can sleep longer. But I wake up from some shock. I thought it was afternoon when I wake up. I don’t know why, my phone was off and I got to really wake my whole self up and go and take a look at the clock for time. I couldn’t go back to sleep even though I am tired. I went to do my thing and get prepared, initially my plan was to go to my grandparent’s house but my mum says want to go for lunch together.
Slack at my room for a while as it is still early then my mum brings a few catalogue of clothing to me and I wanted to buy, so I buy. Then we went to have lunch, walked to CP and I told her I want to go NP, as it is rally humid. So we took a bus down then went to the family restaurant for lunch, again I treat my mum. I think I am going to be broke. After lunch we went to walk around and I buy some stuff, not a lot but cost a lot. Then I went off, to meet friend and study. On my way to the bus stop, somebody call me. Its PK and Ben. Chat with them for a while and went off. *Smile.
Took a bus down to meet up with some friend, and that’s more which I don’t want to elaborate. Nighttime, we went to Leisure Park, walk around and dine at Pastamania.
We are ordered a lot, really.
After dinner we went off, walk to the bus stop. Took a bus off. Oh, I didn’t sleep well on Friday night, was studying and revising my CRN. Went to bed at 3plus, but cant sleep well. Wake up at 6plus then went to bed and wake up at 7plus again and finally I wake up at 9plus. Do my thing and continue with study. Went to my grandparent’s house at 2plus. Once I reach there I went to do my thing then I went to lie on the bed and I fall asleep. Sleep from 3plus till 6plus, as my brother came and talk to me then I continue my sleep and wake up at 8. Have my dinner at my grandparent’s house then went to do my thing, talk with my aunty and I went off. Went to NP and meet up with JX, as he wants to meet. Went to Starbucks for a drink then chat at there and we went off. Walked home and I buy some stuff for my mum. Reach home at 11.30. Went to do my thing and slack; didn’t study at all. Went to bed at 1plus.
Sunday I wake up at about 9, slack at my bed and listen to songs. Lie there as I am still tired, then got some msg from some friend at 10plus, chat on msg and I slack there. Went to do my thing and do my homework. So much to do; 3 assignment and I used 1hour plus to do. Start doing at about 2 and finished at 3plus. Then I went to pack my stuff and stayed at home. Chat on the phone for a while then I went to do my thing. Was clearing some stuff in my wallet and out of sudden I find more cash in it. I went out for a while with my mum to buy some stuff then accompanied my mum for bus and I went home. Watched some TV show when I am at home and I went to bed at 1plus.
Monday, I wake up at 6plus, went to get things done then went out. Took the 7am bus even though my lesson starts at 9. Reach TI at very early, like 8, I think. Then took the same bus as Terence!! Chat with him in the bus and talk about lots of funny thing. When I reach school I went to pack my stuff and change my clothing then went for breakfast with WC at cafe2. After that we went to meet up with WQ then the rest come and we go for lesson together. First lesson was OSA and going through last week test paper then do assignment. After OSA, we went off. WC, PF, MH and me went to cafe3, slack down there and coincidentally; I saw NK there!! We went off at like, 11.35, went to take our book and prepare for next lesson then went for CRN lesson. CRN was also going through the test paper. After CRN is OFC!! OFC lesson is also going through the test paper. After OFC, we went for LLA lesson, wasn’t having lesson, much more like we are having fun and some are partying. After LLA I went off with YR to EXPO even though initially we planned to go to EXPO together with the rest. I didn’t want to go with them as they are going for the foodfair but I want to go for the Robinson’s Sales; lots of participating brand. I went just with YR to the sales and we really buy lots of stuff!!
Let’s take a look at this;
I buy some bra; from La Senza and is all colourful!! I just want to buy some weird colour, which I don’t have it. And also buy other stuff. And I buy a bag for my mum from PERLLINI, as I wanted to give her as a birthday gift. I can’t believe we spend really much time at there. We reach there at 3plus and we left at 7plus. And I spend a lot.
After we left from there, we went for dinner at the outside area. After dinner, was supposed to be going to the train station but, on our way there we saw some sales, so we went to take a look also.
And finally we went to board the train; I reach home at 9.50!! And my shoulder and hands are tired as my stuff are really heavy. When I reach home, nobody was home as they were out and I am not supposed to be at home too. Well, I am a bad girl.
When I reached home I went to do my thing and talk on the phone, after I hanged up I went to chat with my sis and we went to bed. I slept with her!! But of cause not at the same bed.
Tuesday I wake up at 9plus, as I don’t have to go for morning lesson as it is cancelled. So I am attending lesson at 12. Went to do my thing and I went to school. Reach school at 11.55 and I rushed for lesson. Wasn’t late; have our lesson; teacher is going through the test paper. After lesson, we went to cafe1 for lunch. Haven’t been to cafe1 for quite some time. After our lunch, we went up for lesson. Was having OSA mock exam. I think I failed. Seriously, that’s a lot whereby I don’t know how to do. After mock exam we went off together. YR and me walk the same direction as we are taking the same bus then we saw YS, Carol, MH, Dorina, Joelin and Shanel at the bus stop. Took the same bus together and is really crowded. After we alight YR and me took the same bus again as we are going to the same place. And we saw TH and JX.
After we alight we crossed the road then we realize how ‘stupid’ we were and you know, is like having a heavy rain and we got to walk under the rain. Then we took another bus down to Upper Thomson Rd. She went to the workplace and she quitted her job, and I went to the Korean cuisine for the job thing, I don’t want to work. Too stressed up; everything coming together. Let's enjoy!!
After we are done with our stuff, I though if sitting down at some place to relax and talk so we went in to a café which is around the area; Earth Café.
After we eat we went off, walked to Miss Clarity Café and we ordered ice cream!!
Isn’t that weird? But, I managed to finish the ice cream that I ordered.
After everything we went off, took different buses. I reached home at 8plus and I quickly went to bath then wash clothing, iron my uniform and pack my stuff. Went to bed at quite late.
Wednesday I wake up at 6plus, get things done then went to school. On my way to school, I saw Miss Lovy Ng. She talked to me regarding the cheque, asking me to collect as soon as possible and we went off. She got camp in school.
Lesson is at 9, I reach school at 8plus. Went to study a little and we got our CRN mock exam. After that we know our result; well, I passed. I went off at 11.30 as I got to go to staff room’s meeting room 1, a room whereby I never been before. Went there for prize presentation and I went off. Meet up with YB, we went to NOODS for lunch. I buy sandwiches and coincidentally I saw Ms Leng at there, she paid for me. Thank you!!
After eating we went to 2nd floor study area to slack and happened to see PK, Ben and Kevin at there. Also see Eugene, a caring friend. When it’s about time, I went for lesson. Again we got to change room. Was having OFC mock exam. Not really difficult but, got to study more. The paper is from 2pm to 4pm, I finished early, as I didn’t know the time and I thought I got mo much time left. I went to hand in my paper, together with YS then we went off. When we walked out and we take a look at the clock, the time show; 15.19. Is really early. Then we talk about the paper and wait for some others. I went off first as Edwin is coming to fetch me, Sebastian is inside the car too and to go to fetch Rebekah and lastly we went to chalet, invited by Royston. First time me going to the chalet is at Pasir Ris Home team. We sit down there and chat, Rebekah’s guy joined us too.
Rebekah went off earlier. The rest of us went off at about 9. We didn’t go home; instead we went for our dinner. Went to hougang for dinner as Edwin is fetching Sebastian home. After dinner, Sebastian went home then Edwin fetch me home. Thank you!!
Reach home at 11plus, went to do my thing, talk on the phone and sleep.
Thursday I wake up at 6plus, as usual. Get things done and went out. Lesson is at 8, I reach class at 8.10. Anyway lesson had not yet start. I went to surf the net, check email and talk to them. Got back our OSA paper, I passed. *Happy.
Again do assignment and going through the correction. After that we went off for our OFC lesson, got back our paper too. I passed. OFC lesson was also going through the paper and went off. Lesson finished at 10.50. I went to my locker to clear all my stuff as I got to bring home because holidays is coming and there will be people maintaining our locker. My stuff was really heavy. I went to our homeroom, check email and went off, initially I got things to do but got to meet YB, so I went off. So stupid of me, right. Meet up and we went off together, took a bus down to TI and take another bus back home. So, what’s the point of meeting? I should have stayed in school.
Reach home at about 12.30, I went to sleep as I am really tired and I am not in the mood. I know people called me when I am sleeping, just that I don’t want to pick up. Anyway, I am too tired. Wake up at 5plus, talk on the phone for a while then went to do my thing. Went to bed at 1plus.
Friday I wake up at 8plus as our morning lesson is cancelled. So I only need to go for the 11am lesson. Went to do my thing and went out. Reach school at 10plus and I am prank by PF and MH!! So bad of them, hahas. We went for our OFC lesson, was doing revision and going through answer. After OFC, we went off. I miss the lesson. No more OFC lesson for me. :(:(
Saw Yvonne while going for lunch, talk to her for a while and went for my lunch. She told me KL is in our school, I didn’t know that. Don’t know if I still can remember him. I went for lunch with MH then we went for singing.
Yesterday singing, not a lot of people turn up. MH left half way left me alone. After singing, I went off. Reach home at 5plus. Quickly went to do my thing then went out as I am meeting some friend. Then I took a train down to Orchard to meet my friend and we went to walk around. Went to quite some place, wanted to go for dinner but the queue is really long. We walked down to PS, went there for dinner and we went off. Went to Fort Canning Park; walk to the top of the hill. Is really like adventure/hiking. Yes, we did talk. But I am not happy at all. We walk and walked to ROM, LOL.
We went to National Museum of Singapore, went to the roof area to slack and we went off. Walked all the way to don’t know where, just walk and walk and walk to Riverside area. Took a bus at somewhere there to Redhill Station then took a train down to Harbour Front Station. Went to Sky Park, play water and have fun. Then went to slack about and went off at about 4. I took the NR back. Reach home at about 6. Went to wash up and went to bed, wake up at 10plus by my phone then went back to sleep and wake up at 11plus as my mum came in to my room. I had my super beauty sleep till 3plus this after noon!! And I went to do my thing then, pack my stuff and I go online shopping. Again, buy some stuff. :):)
Some people asked me if it is reliable, well so far I have not been tricked.
Got a msg from PK, gathering us for supper. I should not be going.
I am going out soon!!
Edwin msg me at 7.30, telling me our meeting time is 8.30 so the very first thing I do was rushed to bath and get ready.
Got to go. I need time to prepare. Late late.