Wednesday’s MDP was tired.
First thing wasn’t teaching, was spot-check.
Well, unhappy stuff. Checking for 20minutes.
Back to work. Do our assignment and I go off, waited for the darlings and we go to staffroom to submit our script and we go off.
Lucky enough, I didn’t go off with them. My boy came over and fetch me home. The darlings walked all the way to the transferring bus, busstop. I knew it only today.
Reached home at about 6pm. bath, do my thing and go out at 7pm for dinner. After dinner, go over to his house. Slack down there and wait for him then we go off at like 10plus. Homed.
Reached home pretty early, wanted to use the com but got problem so I just do my thing, talk on the phone till about 12 and I went off to bed at about 1am.
Yesterday I wake up at 5plus, got up and I doze off.
And ended up waking at like 6.30am. But, its still consider early.
I went to get things done and I went to school. I couldn’t afford to skip school, got phrase test-roleplay.
Reached school at 7.50am and happened to meet up with PF, so we went up for lesson together but lecturers wasn’t there yet and I didn’t see any classmate so we just slack down there. soon, more and more people come. Lecturer comes and we went in to the room. Put our stuff and we went to the washroom.
We didn’t really practice but we could remember. Thanks God.
After our role-play we went down to the café to slack. Accompanied some of them to eat and we went to the MLC as it is still early.
Surf the internet and do our thing, then go for lesson. POA lesson, new chapter.
After POA lesson, we go off. I went to MLC with MH as she wanted to print her project’s proposal and I went over there to surf the net. And, she used my token to print her thing. Is a lot. :):)
Anyway, I don’t need it. Still got many token inside, hahas.
We go off at about 12.30pm. Took the same bus home, prepare and get things done and I went out at 3.30pm, went over to NP to meet up with MH and Cindy. All of us reached there on the dot. Great.
We go for lunch. Lunched at Mac and we slack down there. After lunch we talk crap down there and I go off at about 5pm as my mum come to NP to meet up with me. We went to walk around, grab a bite and buy lots of sushi. I got myself a bag too.
We go off at 6.15pm. meet up with my sis and they went to CP while I walked home. reached home, I was really tired so I pack my thing and I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t as I don’t have much time. Went out at 7pm, again. Meet up with my boy, accompanied him home to bath, slack down there, watch show, listen to songs and we go off at about 10.15pm. We went to somewhere my house for dinner cum supper and we go home.
Reached home about 11.15, he came up to my house, slack down there and go off at about 12.30am.
I was really tired. Immediately after he went off, I went to get things done and I doze off. :):)
But, I wake up at 1.45am. Then back to sleep again.
This morning I got up at 7 as my alarm ranged. I went back to sleep and set the alarm to 7.30am. 7.30 my alarm rang again, I got up.
Do my thing and I went out at 8am.
I purposely wants to reached school late as I know MDP wont be doing anything but to my surprise, I reached school at 9, just nice.
Went in to class but only see like one quarter of the class. I slack down there to surf the net and do my thing.
Went down for breakfast at about 10.45.
And our next lesson is at 11am!!
Saw YB down there but I guess he didn’t see us.
After eating, we went up but didn’t get scolded.
POA-SOP was really killing.
People don’t seem happy and I was the one doing it. Sigh.
Ended up my group going off late.
People who wait for me, thank you.
Went off at about 1pm and we go off. Took the same bus as the darlings but they alight first then followed by MH and me. Then the both of us took the same bus home.
I reached home at about 2.30pm, went to bath and initially plan was to sleep as I am really sleepy but I am afraid I might overslept, so I didn’t.
I went to use the com; surf the net.
I got to go now. Got to be late.
Enjoy. :):)
Friday, October 31, 2008
This is post at the request of my bestfriend, KEVIN SOH.
Please take note. Outing will carry on.
PKFC outing will be held at 10 November.
Attendance is compulsory. LOL.
Expected attendance;
* Kevin
* Pock kai
* Benjamin
* Agnes
* Yun Ru
* Jun Hao
* Ni Kang
* Daniel
* Jia Wen
Thing that we will be doing on that day;
* Lunch
* Bowling
* Table pool
* Arcade
* Slacking
* Dinner
* YP
* Home sweet home
Meeting Location: Yishun station.
Meeting Time: 1400.
Things to bring: Money; Cash, Nets, Credit Card.
Outfit: We will be going bowling and pool.
Please don’t wear funny. :):)
Okay, so planning at Kevin’s estimation.
1400-1430: Meeting of PKFC’s member. (Be there latest by 1430)
1430-1530: Lunch at North Point.
1530-1630: Shop around, walk, see, slack. (Hopefully the new shopping will be ready)
1630-1700: Walking over to SAFRA.
1700-2000: Table pool cum bowling cum arcade.
2000-2030: Going over to some nearby coffeeshop for dinner. (We will be very hungry by then)
2030-2130: Having dinner.
2130-2145: Walking over to Yishun Park.
2145-2300: Playing all the stupid thing down. (Hide&Seek, TrueorDare)
2300- : Home sweet home.:):)
I understand that there are school going on but we are told to pon school.
Please let Kevin know if you are going or not. Thank you.
More detail will be up here, PKFC’s blog or Kevin’s blog.
Have a great day. :):)
Please take note. Outing will carry on.
PKFC outing will be held at 10 November.
Attendance is compulsory. LOL.
Expected attendance;
* Kevin
* Pock kai
* Benjamin
* Agnes
* Yun Ru
* Jun Hao
* Ni Kang
* Daniel
* Jia Wen
Thing that we will be doing on that day;
* Lunch
* Bowling
* Table pool
* Arcade
* Slacking
* Dinner
* YP
* Home sweet home
Meeting Location: Yishun station.
Meeting Time: 1400.
Things to bring: Money; Cash, Nets, Credit Card.
Outfit: We will be going bowling and pool.
Please don’t wear funny. :):)
Okay, so planning at Kevin’s estimation.
1400-1430: Meeting of PKFC’s member. (Be there latest by 1430)
1430-1530: Lunch at North Point.
1530-1630: Shop around, walk, see, slack. (Hopefully the new shopping will be ready)
1630-1700: Walking over to SAFRA.
1700-2000: Table pool cum bowling cum arcade.
2000-2030: Going over to some nearby coffeeshop for dinner. (We will be very hungry by then)
2030-2130: Having dinner.
2130-2145: Walking over to Yishun Park.
2145-2300: Playing all the stupid thing down. (Hide&Seek, TrueorDare)
2300- : Home sweet home.:):)
I understand that there are school going on but we are told to pon school.
Please let Kevin know if you are going or not. Thank you.
More detail will be up here, PKFC’s blog or Kevin’s blog.
Have a great day. :):)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Last Monday after MDP lesson, we went for the SW theory test.
The test question were like, lame question.
I scored 23/30. :):)
After test, we went down for break, went over to cafe1 to accompany YR to buy thing to eat, then went over to NOODS as WC wants to lunch at there. After lunched, we went up to meet up with the rest at 3rd floor and we went off for BEO lesson, and lastly POA lesson.
A long day. Tired.
Took a bus home, reached home at 6plus.
Went out again at night to my grandparent’s place. Stayed there for awhile and we went off to ECP, go off at about 11.45 to meet his friend, CY.
And lastly, home.
Tuesday I wake up at 5.30am as my alarm ranged.
Too tired and I slack down there.
Got up, get things done and went off to school. Reached school at 7.50am, went up to meet up with the darlings and went for lesson. Were having POA lesson, followed by BEO lesson and lastly, PM1 lesson. PM1 were having test, I did study a little but the test was open book test.
After the test, we went off. I was really tired.
Went home and I fall asleep.
Sleeps all the way till 5plus, I got up and slack and I get off of my bed at about 8pm. got up, wash up then went down to the AXS machine to do some payment, after that I went home to prepare and I went out at 10.30pm.
Meet up with my boy and we go over to his house to wait for him to change and we go off to upper Thomson rd for dinner cum supper. After eating, we went to LPR and off we go.
Reached home at 12lplus. Wash up, do my thing and talk on the phone then went to bed at 1plus.
Wednesday I wake up at 8.30am. Got up and I went to get things done and went off to school. Reached school at 10.45am, went up to meet the darlings and we go for lesson. First lesson were BEG and it seems like peoples and not really happy.
Well, project stuffs.
After BEG lesson, we went for POA lesson, new chapter. I didn’t bring my book, left it at home and I went to takes PK book. :):)
After POA lesson, I went off with YR to cafe2. Meet up with the darlings over there and have over lunch there.
Oh, saw JH over there too.
I would say I got a great time down there having lunch. After lunch, we went to meet up with the guys and slack down there, then went for lesson when it is about time. BEO lesson, doing assignment. My assignment is marked!! :):)
After BEO lesson, were having MDP lesson. Same lab.
I done with my stuff and I went to surf the net. Finished at 4.30pm but wait for the rest and we go off at about 4.45pm. Took the same bus off with the darlings.
I reached home at about 5.45pm, went to bath and do my thing, I slack down there.
Charged my ipod and listen to fm.
Went out at 7plus, went over to Malaysia.
Going there for the same purpose.
And back to Singapore.
Went back home and stayed at my house till 12.30 and he go off. :):)
Friday I didn’t went to school. I skipped school.
I wake up at 6.30am, went to wash up, prepare and get things done and meet up with my Edwin at 7.15am, accompanied him for consultation and we go for breakfast at AMK then walked around and off to his house.
Stayed at his house to watch show and slack then we go off at 7plus. Go off to my house, I bathed and do my thing and we go for dinner at somewhere my house there, then went to JK to meet up with the others. They have their dinner over there, and we go over to YD. Chit chatting, slack.
And Edwin sort of psycho us to AMK for table pool as his friend is over there.
If given a choice, I wouldn’t have go. But, I got no choice.
Went back to his house to parked his car first and we takes Nicholas’s car down. Quarreling and unhappy thing at the carpark.
I think I shouldn’t elaborate much.
Still, I think we aren’t at fault.
After the parking, we went to meet up with Edwin friends.
They played a few rounds of table pool and go off.
Go back to Edwin house to take his car and went off.
Went over to my house and stay till 5 in the morning and he go off. :):)
I went to wash up and off to bed.
Saturday I got up at 12plus, slack at my bed and I got up to wash up and do my thing.
Meet up with my boy at my house.
He got my cakes.
Thank you.
Strawberry cake for my breakfast.
Stayed at my house to watch show and we go off at 7pm, fetched my mum to work and we go off for dinner.
I saw PK over there but I guess he didn’t see me.
Have our dinner and we go off.
Went to NP, the new NP!!
Still under construction.
We went to walk around and go off at 9plus, accompanied him back to his house, as he wanted to bath. Stayed at his house till 10.20pm and we go over to YD to meet up with the rest. Same thing, slack down there.
Suddenly, some suggests going for supper. Decided to have it at Changi and so we go over. After the eating, talking and all the fun, we go off.
Came back to my house. Stayed down there to talk and slack.
He goes off at about 6.30am. :):)
Sunday I got up at 12plus. Slack at my bed and went to get things done.
Cake again for my breakfast.
Lychee martini cake.
Prepared and go off. Went out at about 3.30pm.
Waited for the bus for about 20minutes.
Ended up meeting late with YR.
After the meetups, we went in for table pool but it was very pack at then so we decide to have our name in the waiting list. Then we went to the bowling center but they got some sort of competition going on. Wanted to play the $1 table pool but got to wait. We went to the arcade and I wasted for 2dollars there. Play all the stupid game, which I don’t know how to play, LOL.
Went to the bowling center again and wasted again 2dollars on the stupid game machine. And lastly, we go for table pool. Left at about 6pm, my boy come and fetch me home.
Thank you.
Went back home to watch the VCD and slack down there.
Went out at 9.30pm.
Went over to his house, as he wanted to bath then we go for dinner at AMK.
After dinner, we went back to his house to watch TV show and slack down there.
He went to sleep perhaps he is too tired. Sigh.
We go off at about 2.15am, went home.
Reached home at about 2.40am. I went to do my thing and talked on the phone, went to bed at 5 in the morning.
Monday I wake up at 10.15am. Bored.
Got up, do my thing, started to pack my stuff; clear my table, wipe the floor, mop the floor, pack my thing.
Slack down there and talk to my cousin and listen to songs cum watching show then went to prepare. Edwin came up to my house at about 12, then wait for my mum and we go off. Went down to have our breakfast and we go off to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at 1plus. Nothing to do. We just slack down there, talk.
They were playing mahjong.
I left at 4plus. Went over to HM for lunch cum early dinner and we go off. Went over to my house to slack and watch some show and we go out at 9.45pm, together with my sis. Went over to Han’s for dinner cum supper and we go off. Reached home at about 11pm. Slacked at my house till 12 to watch Amazing Race and he goes off.
Yesterday I wake up at 5.45 in the morning.
Slack at my bed and I got up at about 6.
Forget about going for POA lesson. Headache. Tired.
Wake up at 8am and I drop the thought of going to school.
Was really and feeling damn no strength.
Talked to my mum and I went back to bed.
Got up at 11plus and I went to do my thing, stayed at home the wholeday doing the internet connection thing.
Watched the VCD then I haven’t finish that day.
Finished at about 6.30am, I went to do my thing and went out at 7plus with my mum and sis for dinner. After dinner, we went back home. Watch TV show and get things down. Went out at about 9.15pm, meet up with Edwin and accompanied him for dinner.
He doesn’t seem happy.
Many thing happening.
We went to CP for dinner, went to walk around and home.
Reached home at about 11.
I do my thing, watch some show and talked on the phonw till about 1am and I went to bed.
This morning, I wake up at 8plus, slack and get things done and I took a bus down to TI.
Took the same bus as my bestfriend, Kevin Soh.
Happened to meet up with YR and MH over there. Talk and waited for Joelin and we headed to school. Took the same bus as JX, haven't been seeing him fr a long time.
Reached school at 10.45am. Slack and go for BEG lesson.
After BEG, we go for POA lesson. POA were having test and after that we go off to the 3rd floor.
Slack down there during our break time and we go for lesson.
BEO lesson. Lesson just ended.
MDP lesson starting. :):)
Last Monday after MDP lesson, we went for the SW theory test.
The test question were like, lame question.
I scored 23/30. :):)
After test, we went down for break, went over to cafe1 to accompany YR to buy thing to eat, then went over to NOODS as WC wants to lunch at there. After lunched, we went up to meet up with the rest at 3rd floor and we went off for BEO lesson, and lastly POA lesson.
A long day. Tired.
Took a bus home, reached home at 6plus.
Went out again at night to my grandparent’s place. Stayed there for awhile and we went off to ECP, go off at about 11.45 to meet his friend, CY.
And lastly, home.
Tuesday I wake up at 5.30am as my alarm ranged.
Too tired and I slack down there.
Got up, get things done and went off to school. Reached school at 7.50am, went up to meet up with the darlings and went for lesson. Were having POA lesson, followed by BEO lesson and lastly, PM1 lesson. PM1 were having test, I did study a little but the test was open book test.
After the test, we went off. I was really tired.
Went home and I fall asleep.
Sleeps all the way till 5plus, I got up and slack and I get off of my bed at about 8pm. got up, wash up then went down to the AXS machine to do some payment, after that I went home to prepare and I went out at 10.30pm.
Meet up with my boy and we go over to his house to wait for him to change and we go off to upper Thomson rd for dinner cum supper. After eating, we went to LPR and off we go.
Reached home at 12lplus. Wash up, do my thing and talk on the phone then went to bed at 1plus.
Wednesday I wake up at 8.30am. Got up and I went to get things done and went off to school. Reached school at 10.45am, went up to meet the darlings and we go for lesson. First lesson were BEG and it seems like peoples and not really happy.
Well, project stuffs.
After BEG lesson, we went for POA lesson, new chapter. I didn’t bring my book, left it at home and I went to takes PK book. :):)
After POA lesson, I went off with YR to cafe2. Meet up with the darlings over there and have over lunch there.
Oh, saw JH over there too.
I would say I got a great time down there having lunch. After lunch, we went to meet up with the guys and slack down there, then went for lesson when it is about time. BEO lesson, doing assignment. My assignment is marked!! :):)
After BEO lesson, were having MDP lesson. Same lab.
I done with my stuff and I went to surf the net. Finished at 4.30pm but wait for the rest and we go off at about 4.45pm. Took the same bus off with the darlings.
I reached home at about 5.45pm, went to bath and do my thing, I slack down there.
Charged my ipod and listen to fm.
Went out at 7plus, went over to Malaysia.
Going there for the same purpose.
And back to Singapore.
Went back home and stayed at my house till 12.30 and he go off. :):)
Friday I didn’t went to school. I skipped school.
I wake up at 6.30am, went to wash up, prepare and get things done and meet up with my Edwin at 7.15am, accompanied him for consultation and we go for breakfast at AMK then walked around and off to his house.
Stayed at his house to watch show and slack then we go off at 7plus. Go off to my house, I bathed and do my thing and we go for dinner at somewhere my house there, then went to JK to meet up with the others. They have their dinner over there, and we go over to YD. Chit chatting, slack.
And Edwin sort of psycho us to AMK for table pool as his friend is over there.
If given a choice, I wouldn’t have go. But, I got no choice.
Went back to his house to parked his car first and we takes Nicholas’s car down. Quarreling and unhappy thing at the carpark.
I think I shouldn’t elaborate much.
Still, I think we aren’t at fault.
After the parking, we went to meet up with Edwin friends.
They played a few rounds of table pool and go off.
Go back to Edwin house to take his car and went off.
Went over to my house and stay till 5 in the morning and he go off. :):)
I went to wash up and off to bed.
Saturday I got up at 12plus, slack at my bed and I got up to wash up and do my thing.
Meet up with my boy at my house.
He got my cakes.
Thank you.
Strawberry cake for my breakfast.
Stayed at my house to watch show and we go off at 7pm, fetched my mum to work and we go off for dinner.
I saw PK over there but I guess he didn’t see me.
Have our dinner and we go off.
Went to NP, the new NP!!
Still under construction.
We went to walk around and go off at 9plus, accompanied him back to his house, as he wanted to bath. Stayed at his house till 10.20pm and we go over to YD to meet up with the rest. Same thing, slack down there.
Suddenly, some suggests going for supper. Decided to have it at Changi and so we go over. After the eating, talking and all the fun, we go off.
Came back to my house. Stayed down there to talk and slack.
He goes off at about 6.30am. :):)
Sunday I got up at 12plus. Slack at my bed and went to get things done.
Cake again for my breakfast.
Lychee martini cake.
Prepared and go off. Went out at about 3.30pm.
Waited for the bus for about 20minutes.
Ended up meeting late with YR.
After the meetups, we went in for table pool but it was very pack at then so we decide to have our name in the waiting list. Then we went to the bowling center but they got some sort of competition going on. Wanted to play the $1 table pool but got to wait. We went to the arcade and I wasted for 2dollars there. Play all the stupid game, which I don’t know how to play, LOL.
Went to the bowling center again and wasted again 2dollars on the stupid game machine. And lastly, we go for table pool. Left at about 6pm, my boy come and fetch me home.
Thank you.
Went back home to watch the VCD and slack down there.
Went out at 9.30pm.
Went over to his house, as he wanted to bath then we go for dinner at AMK.
After dinner, we went back to his house to watch TV show and slack down there.
He went to sleep perhaps he is too tired. Sigh.
We go off at about 2.15am, went home.
Reached home at about 2.40am. I went to do my thing and talked on the phone, went to bed at 5 in the morning.
Monday I wake up at 10.15am. Bored.
Got up, do my thing, started to pack my stuff; clear my table, wipe the floor, mop the floor, pack my thing.
Slack down there and talk to my cousin and listen to songs cum watching show then went to prepare. Edwin came up to my house at about 12, then wait for my mum and we go off. Went down to have our breakfast and we go off to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at 1plus. Nothing to do. We just slack down there, talk.
They were playing mahjong.
I left at 4plus. Went over to HM for lunch cum early dinner and we go off. Went over to my house to slack and watch some show and we go out at 9.45pm, together with my sis. Went over to Han’s for dinner cum supper and we go off. Reached home at about 11pm. Slacked at my house till 12 to watch Amazing Race and he goes off.
Yesterday I wake up at 5.45 in the morning.
Slack at my bed and I got up at about 6.
Forget about going for POA lesson. Headache. Tired.
Wake up at 8am and I drop the thought of going to school.
Was really and feeling damn no strength.
Talked to my mum and I went back to bed.
Got up at 11plus and I went to do my thing, stayed at home the wholeday doing the internet connection thing.
Watched the VCD then I haven’t finish that day.
Finished at about 6.30am, I went to do my thing and went out at 7plus with my mum and sis for dinner. After dinner, we went back home. Watch TV show and get things down. Went out at about 9.15pm, meet up with Edwin and accompanied him for dinner.
He doesn’t seem happy.
Many thing happening.
We went to CP for dinner, went to walk around and home.
Reached home at about 11.
I do my thing, watch some show and talked on the phonw till about 1am and I went to bed.
This morning, I wake up at 8plus, slack and get things done and I took a bus down to TI.
Took the same bus as my bestfriend, Kevin Soh.
Happened to meet up with YR and MH over there. Talk and waited for Joelin and we headed to school. Took the same bus as JX, haven't been seeing him fr a long time.
Reached school at 10.45am. Slack and go for BEG lesson.
After BEG, we go for POA lesson. POA were having test and after that we go off to the 3rd floor.
Slack down there during our break time and we go for lesson.
BEO lesson. Lesson just ended.
MDP lesson starting. :):)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday after the break, we have POS-SOP lesson. WC and me were suppose to be writing the script but ended up JW and me writing. After finished, we went off. I took a bus down to TI, while waiting for bus I saw NK!! Didn’t see him for a long time, hahas.
Took the same bus as him.
Reached home at 2plus, went to do my thing and mete up with my boy at about 6pm, then we headed to RP and to my grandparent’s place. Slack down there and have our dinner there. Went off at about 10, went to meet up with the cousin then to JK for supper and to YD to meet up with the rest.
John came too, just awhile and he went off.
We also go off after some time and went to eat and lastly, home. Couldn’t remember what time I reach home.
Saturday I wake up at 12plus, went to prepare and meet up with Edwin. Supposed to be meeting at 1pm but delay and delay. Ended up meeting at 2.30pm.
Meetups and we go over to HM. Went over there for lunch and walk around. After that we went to my grandparent’s place, were slaking down there; watching show, surfing the net…
Went off at 8.30, go over to Tampines’s Courts to meet up with some friends and we went to meet up with others and some other place and we went to ECP, went there for supper. After supper, some suggests going to some place to take photos their cars and so we go. Somewhere Punggol.
Went off at 12.30am, went back home, do my thing and sleep. :):)
Yesterday I wake up at 9am, slack at my bed till about 9.30am and I decide to get off of my bed although my alarm is set as 10am. Got up, washup, do my thing, listen to songs pack my stuff and I am ready to go off.
Went out at 11.30,and go off to Malaysia.
Pump petrol, wash car and lunch!!
Lunched at Mac. Unpleasant event.
Back to Singapore, went over to my grandparent’s place.
Went out at night. Dinner out.
Meet up with sis and her guy at PP station and we go off to meet the rest.
Went to celebrate a naughty boy, DAMIAN NG birthday.
After dinner, we had the celebration and lastly, off.
Went off to ECP, walk about and slack down there. Go off at 11.30pm.
Reach home at 12plus, washup, talk on the phone and off to bed at 2am.
This morning I wake up at 6.30am. Alarm ranged.
Tired tired.
Prepare and go off at 7.30am, saw JW and HL at the busstop, took the bus down to school. Reach school at 8.45, slack down there with the darlings and went for lesson at 9am.
Were having MDP, publisher. Done with my stuff.
Going off for next lesson soon.
I am having monday blue. :(:(
Friday after the break, we have POS-SOP lesson. WC and me were suppose to be writing the script but ended up JW and me writing. After finished, we went off. I took a bus down to TI, while waiting for bus I saw NK!! Didn’t see him for a long time, hahas.
Took the same bus as him.
Reached home at 2plus, went to do my thing and mete up with my boy at about 6pm, then we headed to RP and to my grandparent’s place. Slack down there and have our dinner there. Went off at about 10, went to meet up with the cousin then to JK for supper and to YD to meet up with the rest.
John came too, just awhile and he went off.
We also go off after some time and went to eat and lastly, home. Couldn’t remember what time I reach home.
Saturday I wake up at 12plus, went to prepare and meet up with Edwin. Supposed to be meeting at 1pm but delay and delay. Ended up meeting at 2.30pm.
Meetups and we go over to HM. Went over there for lunch and walk around. After that we went to my grandparent’s place, were slaking down there; watching show, surfing the net…
Went off at 8.30, go over to Tampines’s Courts to meet up with some friends and we went to meet up with others and some other place and we went to ECP, went there for supper. After supper, some suggests going to some place to take photos their cars and so we go. Somewhere Punggol.
Went off at 12.30am, went back home, do my thing and sleep. :):)
Yesterday I wake up at 9am, slack at my bed till about 9.30am and I decide to get off of my bed although my alarm is set as 10am. Got up, washup, do my thing, listen to songs pack my stuff and I am ready to go off.
Went out at 11.30,and go off to Malaysia.
Pump petrol, wash car and lunch!!
Lunched at Mac. Unpleasant event.
Back to Singapore, went over to my grandparent’s place.
Went out at night. Dinner out.
Meet up with sis and her guy at PP station and we go off to meet the rest.
Went to celebrate a naughty boy, DAMIAN NG birthday.
After dinner, we had the celebration and lastly, off.
Went off to ECP, walk about and slack down there. Go off at 11.30pm.
Reach home at 12plus, washup, talk on the phone and off to bed at 2am.
This morning I wake up at 6.30am. Alarm ranged.
Tired tired.
Prepare and go off at 7.30am, saw JW and HL at the busstop, took the bus down to school. Reach school at 8.45, slack down there with the darlings and went for lesson at 9am.
Were having MDP, publisher. Done with my stuff.
Going off for next lesson soon.
I am having monday blue. :(:(
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday I went off for dinner at 7plus.
Send my grandparent home after dinner and went over to my house to take passport and we headed to Malaysia. Went home at 12plus, was really tired.
Went to sleep immediately, headaches.
Yesterday I wake up before my alarm rang. Set my alarm at 7.30am and I wake up at about 7am but I don’t decide to go school. Bad girl. I slack at home and do my thing, supposed to be meeting my boy at 6.30pm but he got to work late so we agreed to meet at 9.30pm and lastly, delay to 10.15pm.
We meet up and accompanied him home to bath then we went for supper at somewhere AMK, after eating we head home.
I was having gastric pain, damn painful.
I went home pretty late, not because he sends me home late. Is due to some other stuff.
I call him the whole night all the way till morning, didn’t really sleep well, and was half sleep half awake.
I wake up at 6.30am.
Finally I got a call this morning at about 7am. Relief.
Went out at 7.30am and headed to TI, reached there at 8.30am, saw lots of policecars, civildefence and fireengine. I supposed there were fire earlier on.
Bus came and I board,reached school at 8.50am.
Talke with the darlings and went for lesson, was supposedto be having MDP but there were nothing to do as most of us has finished so we just slack down there and surf the net.
Was feeling down, thanks PF for comforting and thanks Sodiq for the cheering.
Right now, I am just waiting for next lesson to starts. Its still early.
Some of them went down for break for next lesson is 11am.
Send my grandparent home after dinner and went over to my house to take passport and we headed to Malaysia. Went home at 12plus, was really tired.
Went to sleep immediately, headaches.
Yesterday I wake up before my alarm rang. Set my alarm at 7.30am and I wake up at about 7am but I don’t decide to go school. Bad girl. I slack at home and do my thing, supposed to be meeting my boy at 6.30pm but he got to work late so we agreed to meet at 9.30pm and lastly, delay to 10.15pm.
We meet up and accompanied him home to bath then we went for supper at somewhere AMK, after eating we head home.
I was having gastric pain, damn painful.
I went home pretty late, not because he sends me home late. Is due to some other stuff.
I call him the whole night all the way till morning, didn’t really sleep well, and was half sleep half awake.
I wake up at 6.30am.
Finally I got a call this morning at about 7am. Relief.
Went out at 7.30am and headed to TI, reached there at 8.30am, saw lots of policecars, civildefence and fireengine. I supposed there were fire earlier on.
Bus came and I board,reached school at 8.50am.
Talke with the darlings and went for lesson, was supposedto be having MDP but there were nothing to do as most of us has finished so we just slack down there and surf the net.
Was feeling down, thanks PF for comforting and thanks Sodiq for the cheering.
Right now, I am just waiting for next lesson to starts. Its still early.
Some of them went down for break for next lesson is 11am.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday I went for dinner with my family at Bedok, a restaurant.
A restaurant that didn’t serve nice food didn’t have nice service. I won’t bother to be going back again.
After dinner, we went off. Send my brother and his girl back, then send my mum home and to my house. Reached home at about 10.30pm. Was tired.
Went to do my thing and watch the TV show. Edwin went off at 12.
Monday I wake up at about 6.30am, went to do my thing, talked on the phone and I went off. While waiting for the bus, I saw Benjamin. The bus came and I board, he didn’t board. Guess he is waiting for Kevin. Reached school at 8.30am, slack down there with YR, WC and WQ. Go off for lesson at 9am.
First lesson was MPD, on publisher. First assignment, done and we went off. Was supposed to be having SW lesson, we did go but didn’t see anyone and didn’t see Mr Lau, that’s why we went off. We went to CH as YR wanted to eat. We went to the pool center to book the pool table then we went to CH together and have our lunch, saw JW over there.
And we went to walk about then went to the library to slack.
Went off at about time, went up for next lesson and we comes to know that our BEO teacher changed. Changed to Ms Elaine Yap. :):)
Had our BEO lesson and followed by POA, BEO lesson was fun, we were talking and talking of those drama stuff and the storyline of a show, POA lesson were revealing our result and some teaching. And lastly, home. Lesson ends at about 4plus, I went to TM together with YR to walk about and we went off. Reached home at 6.30pm. Went to do my thing and went out to meet up with my boy. Meet ups and we went to BV to collect the stickers and we went to walk around, have our dinner there and we went to somewhere his house to paste the sticker. Then we went up to his house to watch the DVD and went off at 12plus, went back home. I was really tired. Reached home at about 1am and I went to bed immediately, was just too tired. Someone called me at 1.20am, I did pick up the call but I was just so tired.
Tuesday I wake up at 5plus, went to prepare and went to school. Reached school at 7.45am and I only see YR, the two of us were talking down there. And we went for lesson at 8am. Lesson was alright. After POA, we went for BEO lesson. BEO lesson was on the ppt thing, I think we are almost done although we kept on talking but we still do the task given. After BEO lesson we were supposed to be going for PM1 lesson but we decide to skip, we didn’t go for the lesson as majority isn’t going.
I went off and meet up with Edwin.
He buys this for me!!

Thank you.
He send me home, wait for me to change and get things done then we go for lunch together. After lunched, he accompanied me to the Chinese clinic for acupuncture and he went off as he got to go back to his office. After the acupuncture thing, I went off alone and on my way back, it was having a heavy rain, I got no choice so I took a cab back.
Reached home, rest and went out again at about 4.30pm. Went to somewhere AMK to buy the cakes and went to my grandparent’s place. Slack down there and soon, more and more people comes. We were playing with damian, LOL.
Went off at about 8pm, went to his house to park his car and we take a cab down to find his boss and take the car, then we went to CWP to catch a movie; The House Bunny. The show was touching and funny.
After watching, it was 11.30pm, and we went straight home.
Wash up and I went to bed.
Today I wake up at 7.30am although lesson starts at 11am. Done with my thing and I went out at 8.15am, reached school at about 9.30am. Waited for YR as she is having her breakfast then we went to the pool center to meet up with the rest. I only play one game, too many people. And we got to go.
Went up for lesson, BEG. After that we went for POA lesson, after that we went for break at cafe2 as I had not been there since the opening, initially we just want to have a look at the new cafe2 but was tempted by the things there. I remember going to a particular stall and majority we order isn’t available and is on their menu. I order thing from the Japanese stall, quite nice.

After lunch, we went up for BEO lesson, BEO lesson was on taking back the test paper and going through. And next will ne MDP Lesson, second assignment. I am done. Went off at 4.30pm, took a bus down to BI and went to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at about 5plus.
Going off soon. Dinner.
A restaurant that didn’t serve nice food didn’t have nice service. I won’t bother to be going back again.
After dinner, we went off. Send my brother and his girl back, then send my mum home and to my house. Reached home at about 10.30pm. Was tired.
Went to do my thing and watch the TV show. Edwin went off at 12.
Monday I wake up at about 6.30am, went to do my thing, talked on the phone and I went off. While waiting for the bus, I saw Benjamin. The bus came and I board, he didn’t board. Guess he is waiting for Kevin. Reached school at 8.30am, slack down there with YR, WC and WQ. Go off for lesson at 9am.
First lesson was MPD, on publisher. First assignment, done and we went off. Was supposed to be having SW lesson, we did go but didn’t see anyone and didn’t see Mr Lau, that’s why we went off. We went to CH as YR wanted to eat. We went to the pool center to book the pool table then we went to CH together and have our lunch, saw JW over there.
And we went to walk about then went to the library to slack.
Went off at about time, went up for next lesson and we comes to know that our BEO teacher changed. Changed to Ms Elaine Yap. :):)
Had our BEO lesson and followed by POA, BEO lesson was fun, we were talking and talking of those drama stuff and the storyline of a show, POA lesson were revealing our result and some teaching. And lastly, home. Lesson ends at about 4plus, I went to TM together with YR to walk about and we went off. Reached home at 6.30pm. Went to do my thing and went out to meet up with my boy. Meet ups and we went to BV to collect the stickers and we went to walk around, have our dinner there and we went to somewhere his house to paste the sticker. Then we went up to his house to watch the DVD and went off at 12plus, went back home. I was really tired. Reached home at about 1am and I went to bed immediately, was just too tired. Someone called me at 1.20am, I did pick up the call but I was just so tired.
Tuesday I wake up at 5plus, went to prepare and went to school. Reached school at 7.45am and I only see YR, the two of us were talking down there. And we went for lesson at 8am. Lesson was alright. After POA, we went for BEO lesson. BEO lesson was on the ppt thing, I think we are almost done although we kept on talking but we still do the task given. After BEO lesson we were supposed to be going for PM1 lesson but we decide to skip, we didn’t go for the lesson as majority isn’t going.
I went off and meet up with Edwin.
He buys this for me!!
Thank you.
He send me home, wait for me to change and get things done then we go for lunch together. After lunched, he accompanied me to the Chinese clinic for acupuncture and he went off as he got to go back to his office. After the acupuncture thing, I went off alone and on my way back, it was having a heavy rain, I got no choice so I took a cab back.
Reached home, rest and went out again at about 4.30pm. Went to somewhere AMK to buy the cakes and went to my grandparent’s place. Slack down there and soon, more and more people comes. We were playing with damian, LOL.
Went off at about 8pm, went to his house to park his car and we take a cab down to find his boss and take the car, then we went to CWP to catch a movie; The House Bunny. The show was touching and funny.
After watching, it was 11.30pm, and we went straight home.
Wash up and I went to bed.
Today I wake up at 7.30am although lesson starts at 11am. Done with my thing and I went out at 8.15am, reached school at about 9.30am. Waited for YR as she is having her breakfast then we went to the pool center to meet up with the rest. I only play one game, too many people. And we got to go.
Went up for lesson, BEG. After that we went for POA lesson, after that we went for break at cafe2 as I had not been there since the opening, initially we just want to have a look at the new cafe2 but was tempted by the things there. I remember going to a particular stall and majority we order isn’t available and is on their menu. I order thing from the Japanese stall, quite nice.
After lunch, we went up for BEO lesson, BEO lesson was on taking back the test paper and going through. And next will ne MDP Lesson, second assignment. I am done. Went off at 4.30pm, took a bus down to BI and went to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at about 5plus.
Going off soon. Dinner.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wednesday I went over to my grandparent’s place. Stayed till about 8.30pm and I went home. Uncle fetched me back.
Thank you. :):)
Before going home, we went to pack dinner for aunty. Reached home at 9.15pm.
I called someone but the someone asked me to called at a later timing.
Isn’t it heartbreaking?
Then I went to watch some TV show and listen to song music. Really down.
Edwin called at about 11pm, saying wanting to meet for supper, together with Lynn and Steven. Didn’t want to go for the meet ups and all the quarrel thing comes again.
Hanged up the phone and I went to my room, do my thing and pack some stuff.
I was extremely hungry at then. Didn’t have my dinner but also not wanting to eat.
Was listening to songs and phone ranged at 12plus am.
Talked on the phone all the way till 2am. :):)
And I continued my show and do my thing. Went to bed at about 6 in the morning.
Thursday I wake up at 12.30pm as my alarm ranged, I was too tired that I went back to bed till about 3pm. Got up get things done, talk to mum and went out. Went out at 4.30pm as meeting up but again I was waiting.
I hate waiting.
Called him at 4.45 and we got to meet up later, time changed to 5.30pm.
I went to pack food for myself, as I have not yet eaten. Happened to see Mr Danny Tan over there and he asked me to go back to YSS to get our production. It was about 5 at then. I went home, had my lunch and went out at 5.15 to find him. He passed me about 12disc; I hope it will be enough.
After collecting, I went back home. Then the next moment, I went out again. Went out at about 5.30, went down to pack food and I waited for Edwin. Meet up and we headed to HM, after that we went over to my grandparent’s place. No one was at home and so we went off. But, we happen to see them at the bus stop, and we go for dinner together. :):)
Went over to somewhere Balestier for dinner.
After dinner we went to walk about and send my grandparent home.
We went up, they had a chat. :):)
And we go off. Went over to BV, shop about and we go off. I wanted to go over to Mustafa and so we went but it was very pack so we went off. Can’t think of where to go and we go over to his house and watched; MNE2. Second time watching.
After watching, it was about 12plus. We went for supper at Mac then home.
Reached home at about 2am.
I went to wash up and went to bed but I couldn’t sleep.
Was lying down at my bed from about 3am till 5am and I decide to get up. I am seriously not tired at all.
I went to watch some show till 6am.
Finally, I went to bed at about 6.30am. Sleeping soundly. :):)
Saturday I got up at 9plus, about 10am.
Was slacking at my bed and thinking of stuffs, then I went to wash up, talk to my mum and do my thing and went to meet up with Edwin. This time round, I am late. We were supposed to be meeting at 10am but ended up meeting at 11am. We went for breakfast at Han’s, upper Thomson rd. After breakfast we go off, went in straight to Malaysia.
He told me some heartbreaking thing while going in and the ending part I really feel like punching him.
He cracks some stuff with me, which is nothing something fun.
We went over to Melaka.
I was really surprised; we only take average 1hour and 50minutes to travels. And we did stop for a while to let the car rest.
We were traveling at a real damn fast speed. From 60km/h slowing to 180km/h.
Reached there and we start to find place to stay.
And he decides staying at KINGS HOTEL. :):)
We went to check in and about 2.30pm. Stayed inside the room till like 4plus and we went out. Initially plan was to go over to ‘Christ Church’, but we couldn’t find our way there so we went to a shopping center instead. Went in to walk about and buy some stuff, walk about, had our lunch, sushi and we happened to walk out from one of the exits and so we went over to St. Paul Church.
It was really tiring climbing ups the stairs.

Finished our exploring.
We went back to the shopping mall to shop.
After that we went to the Jusco SC.
Reached there at about 7pm. Went in to walk about and went to the supermarket to but some stuff.
It was late at then so we went back. Went to bath and watch the show.
He went to sleep at about 10pm and I continued watching the TV show. Watched a show named; ‘Behind Enemy Lines’.
A great and touching show.
Show finished at about 11.45pm, I went to wash up and bed.
Couldn’t sleep, too noisy.
Too much noise; vehicles noise, snoring noise and the dream talking noise.
Isn’t it pathetic?!
Couldn’t sleep because of the noise.
I get off my bed at 1am and went to see the scene.
I regrets for not bringing my ipod over, LOL.
Edwin got up at 2plus and we start to talk as the both of us couldn’t sleep. Went to bath at about 4am and he went back to sleep and I also.
I got up at about 6am all because of him.
Once I got up, I couldn’t sleep. I went to pack my stuff, wash up and changed. And I watched the show over there. Watched till 9am and he got up and we went for breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, we went up to pack our stuff and checkout. Checkout at about 9.30am, leave there and we went over to the Christ Church!!
This time round, we really went there. :):)

I thought that was something likes a chapel or museum but I was wrong.
It has a sanctuary for worship and the church is open for all.
We did go in to the sanctuary but couldn’t take any pic as it is not allowed.
Since I couldn’t take any pic inside the sanctuary, I buy the postcard and this show how the inside look like. :):)

Next we went to the Museum ship.

And lastly going off.
The traffic there.

Didn’t have our lunch and it was 11.45am at then, we went to one of the shopping over there.
The shopping seems like it has nothing inside and so we went off.
Went to pump petrol and go off.
Decide to go for lunch at JB as I wanted to eat the Wanton Mee there.
On my way back, I was tired.
It was having a heavy rain at then. :(:(
We reached there at about 3pm. Went to the hawker but the Wanton Mee stall is not operating so we eat the yong tau fu stall. It was a hakka stall.
The way they serve is different.
I didn’t regret eating. :):)
Didn’t eat before and I think I couldn’t find it in Singapore.
After our lunch we went off, back to Singapore.
Thank you.
Reached home at 4plus and I went to bed immediately.
Wake up at 9.30pm but I was too tired so I went back to bed and got up at 12.30am.
It was too late at then and I went back to bed.
Wake up at 3.30am.
Talked on the phone for a while and I went to do my thing.
Upload photos to com and pack my stuff.
Got everything done at about 7am and I went to watch some show and slack down there, went to bath at about 8am and pack my stuff. Wanted to go to Chinese clinic but I came to know that the clinic is close today, so I stayed at home and listen to songs.
Went out at about 10am as meeting Edwin but he haven’t reach so I went back home.
And went out at 10.45 with my parent, fetched them to some place and we go for breakfast cum lunch at somewhere Thomson, after that we went to TP to walk around and we go over to his house to take the disk then to HM to walk about and lastly, my grandparent’s place.
And I am now here.
Wednesday I went over to my grandparent’s place. Stayed till about 8.30pm and I went home. Uncle fetched me back.
Thank you. :):)
Before going home, we went to pack dinner for aunty. Reached home at 9.15pm.
I called someone but the someone asked me to called at a later timing.
Isn’t it heartbreaking?
Then I went to watch some TV show and listen to song music. Really down.
Edwin called at about 11pm, saying wanting to meet for supper, together with Lynn and Steven. Didn’t want to go for the meet ups and all the quarrel thing comes again.
Hanged up the phone and I went to my room, do my thing and pack some stuff.
I was extremely hungry at then. Didn’t have my dinner but also not wanting to eat.
Was listening to songs and phone ranged at 12plus am.
Talked on the phone all the way till 2am. :):)
And I continued my show and do my thing. Went to bed at about 6 in the morning.
Thursday I wake up at 12.30pm as my alarm ranged, I was too tired that I went back to bed till about 3pm. Got up get things done, talk to mum and went out. Went out at 4.30pm as meeting up but again I was waiting.
I hate waiting.
Called him at 4.45 and we got to meet up later, time changed to 5.30pm.
I went to pack food for myself, as I have not yet eaten. Happened to see Mr Danny Tan over there and he asked me to go back to YSS to get our production. It was about 5 at then. I went home, had my lunch and went out at 5.15 to find him. He passed me about 12disc; I hope it will be enough.
After collecting, I went back home. Then the next moment, I went out again. Went out at about 5.30, went down to pack food and I waited for Edwin. Meet up and we headed to HM, after that we went over to my grandparent’s place. No one was at home and so we went off. But, we happen to see them at the bus stop, and we go for dinner together. :):)
Went over to somewhere Balestier for dinner.
After dinner we went to walk about and send my grandparent home.
We went up, they had a chat. :):)
And we go off. Went over to BV, shop about and we go off. I wanted to go over to Mustafa and so we went but it was very pack so we went off. Can’t think of where to go and we go over to his house and watched; MNE2. Second time watching.
After watching, it was about 12plus. We went for supper at Mac then home.
Reached home at about 2am.
I went to wash up and went to bed but I couldn’t sleep.
Was lying down at my bed from about 3am till 5am and I decide to get up. I am seriously not tired at all.
I went to watch some show till 6am.
Finally, I went to bed at about 6.30am. Sleeping soundly. :):)
Saturday I got up at 9plus, about 10am.
Was slacking at my bed and thinking of stuffs, then I went to wash up, talk to my mum and do my thing and went to meet up with Edwin. This time round, I am late. We were supposed to be meeting at 10am but ended up meeting at 11am. We went for breakfast at Han’s, upper Thomson rd. After breakfast we go off, went in straight to Malaysia.
He told me some heartbreaking thing while going in and the ending part I really feel like punching him.
He cracks some stuff with me, which is nothing something fun.
We went over to Melaka.
I was really surprised; we only take average 1hour and 50minutes to travels. And we did stop for a while to let the car rest.
We were traveling at a real damn fast speed. From 60km/h slowing to 180km/h.
Reached there and we start to find place to stay.
And he decides staying at KINGS HOTEL. :):)
We went to check in and about 2.30pm. Stayed inside the room till like 4plus and we went out. Initially plan was to go over to ‘Christ Church’, but we couldn’t find our way there so we went to a shopping center instead. Went in to walk about and buy some stuff, walk about, had our lunch, sushi and we happened to walk out from one of the exits and so we went over to St. Paul Church.
It was really tiring climbing ups the stairs.
Finished our exploring.
We went back to the shopping mall to shop.
After that we went to the Jusco SC.
Reached there at about 7pm. Went in to walk about and went to the supermarket to but some stuff.
It was late at then so we went back. Went to bath and watch the show.
He went to sleep at about 10pm and I continued watching the TV show. Watched a show named; ‘Behind Enemy Lines’.
A great and touching show.
Show finished at about 11.45pm, I went to wash up and bed.
Couldn’t sleep, too noisy.
Too much noise; vehicles noise, snoring noise and the dream talking noise.
Isn’t it pathetic?!
Couldn’t sleep because of the noise.
I get off my bed at 1am and went to see the scene.
I regrets for not bringing my ipod over, LOL.
Edwin got up at 2plus and we start to talk as the both of us couldn’t sleep. Went to bath at about 4am and he went back to sleep and I also.
I got up at about 6am all because of him.
Once I got up, I couldn’t sleep. I went to pack my stuff, wash up and changed. And I watched the show over there. Watched till 9am and he got up and we went for breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, we went up to pack our stuff and checkout. Checkout at about 9.30am, leave there and we went over to the Christ Church!!
This time round, we really went there. :):)
I thought that was something likes a chapel or museum but I was wrong.
It has a sanctuary for worship and the church is open for all.
We did go in to the sanctuary but couldn’t take any pic as it is not allowed.
Since I couldn’t take any pic inside the sanctuary, I buy the postcard and this show how the inside look like. :):)
Next we went to the Museum ship.
And lastly going off.
The traffic there.
Didn’t have our lunch and it was 11.45am at then, we went to one of the shopping over there.
The shopping seems like it has nothing inside and so we went off.
Went to pump petrol and go off.
Decide to go for lunch at JB as I wanted to eat the Wanton Mee there.
On my way back, I was tired.
It was having a heavy rain at then. :(:(
We reached there at about 3pm. Went to the hawker but the Wanton Mee stall is not operating so we eat the yong tau fu stall. It was a hakka stall.
The way they serve is different.
I didn’t regret eating. :):)
Didn’t eat before and I think I couldn’t find it in Singapore.
After our lunch we went off, back to Singapore.
Thank you.
Reached home at 4plus and I went to bed immediately.
Wake up at 9.30pm but I was too tired so I went back to bed and got up at 12.30am.
It was too late at then and I went back to bed.
Wake up at 3.30am.
Talked on the phone for a while and I went to do my thing.
Upload photos to com and pack my stuff.
Got everything done at about 7am and I went to watch some show and slack down there, went to bath at about 8am and pack my stuff. Wanted to go to Chinese clinic but I came to know that the clinic is close today, so I stayed at home and listen to songs.
Went out at about 10am as meeting Edwin but he haven’t reach so I went back home.
And went out at 10.45 with my parent, fetched them to some place and we go for breakfast cum lunch at somewhere Thomson, after that we went to TP to walk around and we go over to his house to take the disk then to HM to walk about and lastly, my grandparent’s place.
And I am now here.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Last Tuesday night I went out at 8plus.
Thank you.
Meet up with Edwin and we went over to HP and meet up with some friends.
After meeting up, we slack there and they played table pool. Went off after some times and we go over to Kovan. Initial plan was to go to the HK Café for supper cum Gabriel’s birthday celebration. But it was very pack and it’s about 1am at then and we can’t get any sits, so we went off to another place. They suggested going over to another HK café, located along eastcoast, katong rd.
We went there for supper, slack over there.
Service were very bad, food doesn’t seem okay.
Okay, some unhappy stuff happened and we did lodge a complaint but they don’t seems to care. Shouldn’t elaborate more.
I didn’t take any pic. I didn’t bring my cam out.
After eating, we went off.
Went over to ECP, Mac.
Went there for early breakfast, it was 3am at then. After eating, we went off. Slack at somewhere and went off at about 5.30am. The night was really cold and temperature is only 22degree.
Went off and I reached home at like 6am. Went to bed immediately. I was really tired.
Last Wednesday I wake up at about 12.30. Slack at my bed and I got off at about 1.30pm. Went to do my thing and I went out, supposed to be having lunch with my mum but ended up going off. Went over to Malaysia, yes again. Went there for lunch and we went over to Holiday Plaza to walk about. Nothing much, I was tired. Went over to AEON SC at evening time to walk about and we were crapping down there. :):)
And lastly, we went for dinner at STONEGRILL.
Service was okay, but the thing I ordered doesn’t taste nice.
I ordered Salmon Spaghetti but why are there sauce chilli? I don’t understand.
Isn't it supposed to be tomatoes sauce?
I didn’t finish.
After our dinner we went to walk around and back. Didn’t go home as I didn’t want to but I was tired. We went to BP, went there to walk just a distance and we go off.
Went over to Beancurd City for supper and home.
Reached home at about 10.30pm and I doze off before 11pm. Was tired and sleepy. :):)
Last Thursday I wake up at 12plus. Same thing, do my thing and talked on the phone then all the quarrel thing comes again. Thought of going off to my grandparent’s place and I packed my stuff. Before I go out I make a call and I stayed at home. :):)
Was talking to mum and doing my thing.
Went out at 7.25pm with mum. Meet up with Edwin and he fetched my mum to work and we go for dinner at PP. After dinner we went to walk around and went in to Giant.
Went off at about 10pm. Went over to ECP and slack there. And lastly, home.
Tired tired. Reached home at about 11.30pm. Went to do my thing and watched some show. Then I couldn’t get to bed so I was there doing some stuff. I went to bed at about 6 in the morning.
Last Friday I got up at about 12.30pm. All because of the stupid ringing tone and just nice my alarm rang. Dots. I wanna sleep longer.
Wash up, do my thing and slack at home.
Finally, continued with packing of my stuff. Great. Almost done.
Went out at about 6.30pm. Went over to YSCC, meeting some people and I reached there at about 7pm. Meeting at 7.30pm. Was waiting down there. I went over to some memorable place at first. :):)
Hide & Seek. :):)
I hate waiting.
Then went down to the lobby. Waited and we go off. Send some friend home and we went over to Malaysia. Went there for dinner, the same Malay stall. After dinner, we went back. Went over to The Cathay as initially plan was to catch a movie. We were there at like 12, and the show is 2am. I was also tired at then so I didn’t want to watch. We went to walk around and went home. Before going to home we were wanting to go for supper at somewhere upper Thomson rd. We did went there but it was quite pack so we went home.
Thanks God I didn’t go for the movie and the supper.
I was damn damn tired.
Reached home at 1plus, went to do my thing and I went to bed. Sleeping soundly, I supposed.
Last Saturday I wake up at about 12. Was to tired, slack at my bed and get off at 3plus.
Went to wash up and everything then went down to buy dinner.
Went back home at 6.15pm. Bath, have my dinner and went out. Went over to KLP, went to The Coffee Bean, meet up with some friends. Then went over to KFC for dinner then went back to The Coffee Bean to meet up with the rest. Slack over there and we went off at JK. They went over there to have their supper and meet up with more people then we went over to YD. Slack and stayed there for some time and we go off. Send some friends home and meet up with the rest at ECP’s Mac.
Meet up, have our supper cum so-called early breakfast and we go off.
Went back home, and I couldn’t sleep. Even though I was tired and sleepy at first.
Went to watch show, pack my stuff and listen to music. Phoned some people at 5.30am. :):)
Couldn’t sleep, so meet out for breakfast.
Meet up at about 6.15am at my house, waited for me to be done and we go off at about 7am.
Went over to AMK for breakfast at Mac. Left at about 8am and we went to some provision shop. I was tired at then.
Lastly, we went over to Aljunied. Thinking of ways to go get to GBC.
Reached there very early so we went to some place along there and lastly went to church. Just nice my aunty reached. Meet up and we went in for service together.
After service, we went for lunch together.
Service finished at about 11.30am. So, I just slack there, wait for my cousin. His’s Sunday school finished at about 2pm. Meet up with him and we went off. Took a cab down to my grandparent’s place.
I was really tired.
Reached there at about 2.30pm. Slack there till about 4.45pm and I went off. Meet up with EC and went home. I went home to change and we stayed at my house till about 7.30pm. Wanted to sleep but couldn’t sleep. Was really tired. :):)
Went over to J8 to walk around, then we go for dinner and somewhere there. After dinner we went home. Reached home at 10.30pm. Was tired and sleepy. Went back home and I think I sleep within 15minutes.
Monday I wake up at about 12. Slack at my bed then house phone ranged at about 3, I think.
So irritated by the sound.
Hate hate.
Then went to do my thing and go for lunch together with my mum and I go over to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at 4.45pm. Still tired.
Went to do my thing, talked to my grandma and have my dinner there.
Went off at 7.45pm, went back home. And I went out again.
Went in to Malaysia!! Went to pump petrol, wash car then dinner. :):)
We didn’t eat much. And we went back. Went to somewhere upper Thomson rd for supper. After eating, we go home.
Reached home at about 12.15am.
Went to do my thing and watch some show. Then talk on the phone.
Couldn’t sleep. Listen to songs and watched show.
Went to bed at about 7 in the morning.
Yesterday I wake up at about 3.30pm. Slack at bed and do thing.
Went to wash up and get things done at about 5pm then had my dinner at home. Supposed to be meeting Edwin at Kranji station but last minutes changed. Meet up at my house here instead.
After meeting up, we went over to hougang to meet up with another friend then to Geylang to meet up with the rest and go for dinner together. Went off after dinner. Dinner with them was great and fun. Never ending craps. Went to PP after dinner, went over there to walk around and buy pretzel to eat.
Went off at 9.30pm. Initially was to meet up with Steven but he couldn’t make it so didn’t meet.
We went to somewhere LPR’s car park to slack, go off at about 10.30pm. Went back home.
Reached home, do my things but couldn’t get to sleep so I watched show all the way till morning 6am. And I went to bed. :):)
Wake up at about 3pm today and I went to do my thing and go for lunch with my mum then I went off to meet up with my uncle and we go over grandparent’s place.
I was so bored over here. Nothing to do.
School starting soon. :(:(
Last Tuesday night I went out at 8plus.
Thank you.
Meet up with Edwin and we went over to HP and meet up with some friends.
After meeting up, we slack there and they played table pool. Went off after some times and we go over to Kovan. Initial plan was to go to the HK Café for supper cum Gabriel’s birthday celebration. But it was very pack and it’s about 1am at then and we can’t get any sits, so we went off to another place. They suggested going over to another HK café, located along eastcoast, katong rd.
We went there for supper, slack over there.
Service were very bad, food doesn’t seem okay.
Okay, some unhappy stuff happened and we did lodge a complaint but they don’t seems to care. Shouldn’t elaborate more.
I didn’t take any pic. I didn’t bring my cam out.
After eating, we went off.
Went over to ECP, Mac.
Went there for early breakfast, it was 3am at then. After eating, we went off. Slack at somewhere and went off at about 5.30am. The night was really cold and temperature is only 22degree.
Went off and I reached home at like 6am. Went to bed immediately. I was really tired.
Last Wednesday I wake up at about 12.30. Slack at my bed and I got off at about 1.30pm. Went to do my thing and I went out, supposed to be having lunch with my mum but ended up going off. Went over to Malaysia, yes again. Went there for lunch and we went over to Holiday Plaza to walk about. Nothing much, I was tired. Went over to AEON SC at evening time to walk about and we were crapping down there. :):)
And lastly, we went for dinner at STONEGRILL.
Service was okay, but the thing I ordered doesn’t taste nice.
I ordered Salmon Spaghetti but why are there sauce chilli? I don’t understand.
Isn't it supposed to be tomatoes sauce?
I didn’t finish.
After our dinner we went to walk around and back. Didn’t go home as I didn’t want to but I was tired. We went to BP, went there to walk just a distance and we go off.
Went over to Beancurd City for supper and home.
Reached home at about 10.30pm and I doze off before 11pm. Was tired and sleepy. :):)
Last Thursday I wake up at 12plus. Same thing, do my thing and talked on the phone then all the quarrel thing comes again. Thought of going off to my grandparent’s place and I packed my stuff. Before I go out I make a call and I stayed at home. :):)
Was talking to mum and doing my thing.
Went out at 7.25pm with mum. Meet up with Edwin and he fetched my mum to work and we go for dinner at PP. After dinner we went to walk around and went in to Giant.
Went off at about 10pm. Went over to ECP and slack there. And lastly, home.
Tired tired. Reached home at about 11.30pm. Went to do my thing and watched some show. Then I couldn’t get to bed so I was there doing some stuff. I went to bed at about 6 in the morning.
Last Friday I got up at about 12.30pm. All because of the stupid ringing tone and just nice my alarm rang. Dots. I wanna sleep longer.
Wash up, do my thing and slack at home.
Finally, continued with packing of my stuff. Great. Almost done.
Went out at about 6.30pm. Went over to YSCC, meeting some people and I reached there at about 7pm. Meeting at 7.30pm. Was waiting down there. I went over to some memorable place at first. :):)
Hide & Seek. :):)
I hate waiting.
Then went down to the lobby. Waited and we go off. Send some friend home and we went over to Malaysia. Went there for dinner, the same Malay stall. After dinner, we went back. Went over to The Cathay as initially plan was to catch a movie. We were there at like 12, and the show is 2am. I was also tired at then so I didn’t want to watch. We went to walk around and went home. Before going to home we were wanting to go for supper at somewhere upper Thomson rd. We did went there but it was quite pack so we went home.
Thanks God I didn’t go for the movie and the supper.
I was damn damn tired.
Reached home at 1plus, went to do my thing and I went to bed. Sleeping soundly, I supposed.
Last Saturday I wake up at about 12. Was to tired, slack at my bed and get off at 3plus.
Went to wash up and everything then went down to buy dinner.
Went back home at 6.15pm. Bath, have my dinner and went out. Went over to KLP, went to The Coffee Bean, meet up with some friends. Then went over to KFC for dinner then went back to The Coffee Bean to meet up with the rest. Slack over there and we went off at JK. They went over there to have their supper and meet up with more people then we went over to YD. Slack and stayed there for some time and we go off. Send some friends home and meet up with the rest at ECP’s Mac.
Meet up, have our supper cum so-called early breakfast and we go off.
Went back home, and I couldn’t sleep. Even though I was tired and sleepy at first.
Went to watch show, pack my stuff and listen to music. Phoned some people at 5.30am. :):)
Couldn’t sleep, so meet out for breakfast.
Meet up at about 6.15am at my house, waited for me to be done and we go off at about 7am.
Went over to AMK for breakfast at Mac. Left at about 8am and we went to some provision shop. I was tired at then.
Lastly, we went over to Aljunied. Thinking of ways to go get to GBC.
Reached there very early so we went to some place along there and lastly went to church. Just nice my aunty reached. Meet up and we went in for service together.
After service, we went for lunch together.
Service finished at about 11.30am. So, I just slack there, wait for my cousin. His’s Sunday school finished at about 2pm. Meet up with him and we went off. Took a cab down to my grandparent’s place.
I was really tired.
Reached there at about 2.30pm. Slack there till about 4.45pm and I went off. Meet up with EC and went home. I went home to change and we stayed at my house till about 7.30pm. Wanted to sleep but couldn’t sleep. Was really tired. :):)
Went over to J8 to walk around, then we go for dinner and somewhere there. After dinner we went home. Reached home at 10.30pm. Was tired and sleepy. Went back home and I think I sleep within 15minutes.
Monday I wake up at about 12. Slack at my bed then house phone ranged at about 3, I think.
So irritated by the sound.
Hate hate.
Then went to do my thing and go for lunch together with my mum and I go over to my grandparent’s place.
Reached there at 4.45pm. Still tired.
Went to do my thing, talked to my grandma and have my dinner there.
Went off at 7.45pm, went back home. And I went out again.
Went in to Malaysia!! Went to pump petrol, wash car then dinner. :):)
We didn’t eat much. And we went back. Went to somewhere upper Thomson rd for supper. After eating, we go home.
Reached home at about 12.15am.
Went to do my thing and watch some show. Then talk on the phone.
Couldn’t sleep. Listen to songs and watched show.
Went to bed at about 7 in the morning.
Yesterday I wake up at about 3.30pm. Slack at bed and do thing.
Went to wash up and get things done at about 5pm then had my dinner at home. Supposed to be meeting Edwin at Kranji station but last minutes changed. Meet up at my house here instead.
After meeting up, we went over to hougang to meet up with another friend then to Geylang to meet up with the rest and go for dinner together. Went off after dinner. Dinner with them was great and fun. Never ending craps. Went to PP after dinner, went over there to walk around and buy pretzel to eat.
Went off at 9.30pm. Initially was to meet up with Steven but he couldn’t make it so didn’t meet.
We went to somewhere LPR’s car park to slack, go off at about 10.30pm. Went back home.
Reached home, do my things but couldn’t get to sleep so I watched show all the way till morning 6am. And I went to bed. :):)
Wake up at about 3pm today and I went to do my thing and go for lunch with my mum then I went off to meet up with my uncle and we go over grandparent’s place.
I was so bored over here. Nothing to do.
School starting soon. :(:(
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