After dinner, we went to buy book. Popular didn’t sell, is out of stock. So we went all the way to Cambridge Bookshop to see if they sell the book. And I bought it. I thought is will be like one-dollar something but it cost $3/-. OMG. It is so expensive. The book is so thin. After that, we went to Sakura Cuisine to eat ice cream as I have suggested.
They order this to eat.
Then YR went off first followed by JH and NK then the rest of us went to KFC as my sister has asked me to help her buy dinner. After that, we went home. I took the same bus with Ben. On our way home, NK called me asking me to go meet them. OK. Meet up again. We meet up at the same place. But I went home first as I need to bring my sister dinner up then I went to meet them. Was again playing Poker cards. We were also watching TV prog` at there as there is a TV. After that, is late so all of us went home.
Let’s talk about today. Today was really a bad day for me.
Suppose to meet up with Serena for breakfast today but both of us overslept so we didn’t go. Meet up in school, again all the joke and crap. Lesson today was ok lah. Went to the studio today. Again, see our own MTV. It’s so funny when you look at that.
The 4 of us!!
Lesson today was not so bad. I helped Serena to do her English homework, hahas. YR helped me to do my Maths. Cool. Went for lunch with YR and the guys as I promised her to go for lunch, went with them to a coffee shop. Wanted to eat but I didn’t eat. Some of you might know why. Then after they eat, we went off. I went to Woodlands with YR, took the same bus with SH. Suppose to meet up with Yvonne but she cannot make it. So we went to Causeway and eat. Went to Pastamania.
After that, we were doing our homework there. Cool. I teach her English and she teaches me Chinese. And we were doing our homework there. But is so tiring as I don’t know how to do my Chinese homework and I am trying my best at it. We are sitting facing each other and we put our bag at the chair, which is beside us.
Half way when doing, a lady who is behind me tap my back super hard and tell me somebody stole my stuff, as my bag was open. I don’t know what is it and what is going on. Lucky enough, the staff came up and asks and the lady told the staff. I don’t know how, they got my stuff back. Is my wallet. OMG. If I would to lost it my mother will scold me as my IC is inside. Thanks God. Today is my first time experience. I learnt a lesson today; don’t anyhow place our valuables.
After that, wherever I go, I make sure my bag is zip. We went to walk around. Suppose to shop for some friends present but I think we spend more time at looking at our own stuff. Bought some rubber band and clip today. Went to walk around and we went to Cold Storage. Went in to buy some stuff. And, guess who I saw?! JOSEPHINE! My primary school friend. She called me. LOL. And we went off. Took the same bus but I alight earlier then her. Then I took another bus and went home. So tired. I’m still thinking of today incident. It’s so scary. -Life Experience-
Went in to the toilet just now, to bath and I almost fall down as the floor is super slippy.
Congratulation to Kevin and Ben for the success of job interview.